Thursday, February 24, 2011

Air Force Learing Disa

Alles im Griff - Das 1x1 der Büroorganisation

just self-employed and professionals know the problem: the desk is overflowing, documents disappear without a trace like ships in the Bermuda Triangle, scheduling becomes a matter of luck ... Office and order are apparently two terms that are mutually exclusive in many people. It can be a few measures at last bring structure to chaos. Vera Nägler shows in her new book as a functioning office organization the daily companion.

Vera Nägler illustrates how to organize clever and more time for the essentials - the real work - gets. Using checklists, practical tips, ideas and creative use of intelligent helpers with this book help to do the office work more elegant, systematic and sometimes with a wink.

The auto-test "for an office type What am I?" The reader discovers what it is really a type of work and why it sometimes goes haywire

Wera Nägler
everything under control, the 1x1-office organization
Publisher 2011 ISBN: 9783869800158

The Author:
Vera Nägler trains and coaches for over 10 years around the time and office management. Professional qualification is for the Reno-trained teacher's assistant and studied one. But personal experience out of life are more important: whether as employees in the "little sweatshop" or in large office clerk, secretary, manager or a freelancer.

About BusinessVillage:
BusinessVillage, books are fun. Practical and concise, readers can adapt very quickly without a lot of effort in new areas. Of Marketing & Sales Public Relations & Corporate Communications, up to the range of topics and career success are employees, managers and freelancers latest know-how of renowned experts.

Air Force Learing Disa

Alles im Griff - Das 1x1 der Büroorganisation

just self-employed and professionals know the problem: the desk is overflowing, documents disappear without a trace like ships in the Bermuda Triangle, scheduling becomes a matter of luck ... Office and order are apparently two terms that are mutually exclusive in many people. It can be a few measures at last bring structure to chaos. Vera Nägler shows in her new book as a functioning office organization the daily companion.

Vera Nägler illustrates how to organize clever and more time for the essentials - the real work - gets. Using checklists, practical tips, ideas and creative use of intelligent helpers with this book help to do the office work more elegant, systematic and sometimes with a wink.

The auto-test "for an office type What am I?" The reader discovers what it is really a type of work and why it sometimes goes haywire

Wera Nägler
everything under control, the 1x1-office organization
Publisher 2011 ISBN: 9783869800158

The Author:
Vera Nägler trains and coaches for over 10 years around the time and office management. Professional qualification is for the Reno-trained teacher's assistant and studied one. But personal experience out of life are more important: whether as employees in the "little sweatshop" or in large office clerk, secretary, manager or a freelancer.

About BusinessVillage:
BusinessVillage, books are fun. Practical and concise, readers can adapt very quickly without a lot of effort in new areas. Of Marketing & Sales Public Relations & Corporate Communications, up to the range of topics and career success are employees, managers and freelancers latest know-how of renowned experts.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Is Perrier Water Bad?

Unumwerfbar - der garantierte Weg zurück.

in 6 weeks in the balance.

You work longer and longer, and still is the stack on the desk is not just smaller. But that would not be so bad if there were just more successful experiences. Bald kommt es zu Merkschwächen und einer schlechten Konzentrationsfähigkeit, man wird zynisch, teilweise sogar aggressiv, Schlafstörungen und Erschöpfung sind die Folge.

Manchmal kommt es sogar noch schlimmer: Panikattacken überfallen einen, jedes Telefonläuten wird zu einer massiven Belastung, jede neue E-Mail-Nachricht ist ein weiterer Angriff. Depression, Angst und Hoffnungslosigkeit dominieren das Leben und treiben in die Isolation.

Aber es gibt den garantierten Weg zurück! Und Sie können wieder stark und unumwerfbar wie in Ihren besten Jahren werden! Dr. Ursula Grohs – Entwicklerin der weltweit erfolgreichsten Rauchstopp-Methode – vermittelt in diesem revolutionären Book your method of Psychodynamic Model Training (PDM ®) that allows you within 6 weeks are once again focusing on balance.

Dr. Ursula Grohs was born 1958 in Graz and received his doctorate at the city's Karl-Franzens University. She is a psychologist and individual psychological health analyst and made famous by the behavioral instructions for Psychodynamic Model Training ® PDM, causes the change in behavior. The resulting developed prevention programs lead to burnout, addiction or eating disorders to cure. Of which was derived from the world's most successful smoking cessation program. Ursula Grohs treated patients with burn-out in 20 years.

Heike Kossdorff is a journalist and author based in Vienna. She has worked for "NEWS", "format", Ö3, the Johannes B. Kerner Show, and the "Viennese" and has since 2008 worked as a freelance editor with a focus on health and medicine. She is co-author of several successful titles, including "side effects smoke-free" and "The great allergy book."

Unumwerfbar. In 6 weeks in the balance.
288 pages, Format: 15 x 21.5, hardcover
Price: EUR 19,95 (A / D), CHF 30.50
ISBN: 978-3-7110-0007-1
http: / /

Is Perrier Water Bad?

Unumwerfbar - der garantierte Weg zurück.

in 6 weeks in the balance.

You work longer and longer, and still is the stack on the desk is not just smaller. But that would not be so bad if there were just more successful experiences. Bald kommt es zu Merkschwächen und einer schlechten Konzentrationsfähigkeit, man wird zynisch, teilweise sogar aggressiv, Schlafstörungen und Erschöpfung sind die Folge.

Manchmal kommt es sogar noch schlimmer: Panikattacken überfallen einen, jedes Telefonläuten wird zu einer massiven Belastung, jede neue E-Mail-Nachricht ist ein weiterer Angriff. Depression, Angst und Hoffnungslosigkeit dominieren das Leben und treiben in die Isolation.

Aber es gibt den garantierten Weg zurück! Und Sie können wieder stark und unumwerfbar wie in Ihren besten Jahren werden! Dr. Ursula Grohs – Entwicklerin der weltweit erfolgreichsten Rauchstopp-Methode – vermittelt in diesem revolutionären Book your method of Psychodynamic Model Training (PDM ®) that allows you within 6 weeks are once again focusing on balance.

Dr. Ursula Grohs was born 1958 in Graz and received his doctorate at the city's Karl-Franzens University. She is a psychologist and individual psychological health analyst and made famous by the behavioral instructions for Psychodynamic Model Training ® PDM, causes the change in behavior. The resulting developed prevention programs lead to burnout, addiction or eating disorders to cure. Of which was derived from the world's most successful smoking cessation program. Ursula Grohs treated patients with burn-out in 20 years.

Heike Kossdorff is a journalist and author based in Vienna. She has worked for "NEWS", "format", Ö3, the Johannes B. Kerner Show, and the "Viennese" and has since 2008 worked as a freelance editor with a focus on health and medicine. She is co-author of several successful titles, including "side effects smoke-free" and "The great allergy book."

Unumwerfbar. In 6 weeks in the balance.
288 pages, Format: 15 x 21.5, hardcover
Price: EUR 19,95 (A / D), CHF 30.50
ISBN: 978-3-7110-0007-1
http: / /

Monday, February 21, 2011

Congratulations On The Expectation.

pauldirekt iPhone App holt den zweiten Platz beim „Show Your App“-Award

's third-largest online-shopping-club in Germany, the pauldirekt GmbH was able to celebrate the Audience Award at the "Show Your App" Award at the congress trade fair for mobile communication M-Day.

The "Show Your App" award, called by GmbH IDG Magazine and was in the 6th M-Days in the Congress Center in Frankfurt lent. The online shopping club pauldirekt ( ) was selected in online voting in second place.

The M-Day is the largest congress trade fair for mobile communications, distribution, device and content solutions in Central Europe. In diesem Rahmen wurde zum zweiten Mal der „Show your App“-Award verliehen. Neben einem Jurypreis wurde auch ein Publikumspreis für die beste App ausgelobt. Der Online-Shopping-Club pauldirekt wurde dabei von den Usern auf Platz zwei gewählt. Für die pauldirekt GmbH ist dieser Preis ein Dank und ein Auftrag seiner Nutzer: „Wir sind sehr stolz, dass wir den zweiten Platz beim ‚Show your App’ Award belegen, da wir die wichtigste Zielgruppe, die Nutzer überzeugen konnten. Dies zeigt, dass unser Angebot ankommt. Gleichzeitig wissen wir aber auch, dass wir weiterhin viel Arbeit investieren müssen, um unsere Kunden dauerhaft zufriedenzustellen“, so Geschäftsführer Stefan Seebauer. Die iPhone App allows pauldirekt members on the go and buy the latest products. By now a significant revenue is achieved through the App. The pauldirekt GmbH is working continuously to improve the app. In addition to some technical modifications such as the integration of PayPal into the app also has its own version is planned for the iPad. In addition, the pauldirekt App for Android users has passed the beta phase. "As before the iPhone App will test a few selected fans of the facebook page for pauldirekt the Android app through its paces. So we make sure that the app like those to whom they must please. The users, "says CEO Patrick Bosch.

The second place in the Audience Award at the "Show your App" Award shows that the mobile services provided by paul at the customer's well received. The pauldirekt GmbH is also in improvements and new developments such as Android app on the feedback of more than 10,000 Facebook fans ( / pauldirekt ).

Congratulations On The Expectation.

pauldirekt iPhone App holt den zweiten Platz beim „Show Your App“-Award

's third-largest online-shopping-club in Germany, the pauldirekt GmbH was able to celebrate the Audience Award at the "Show Your App" Award at the congress trade fair for mobile communication M-Day.

The "Show Your App" award, called by GmbH IDG Magazine and was in the 6th M-Days in the Congress Center in Frankfurt lent. The online shopping club pauldirekt ( ) was selected in online voting in second place.

The M-Day is the largest congress trade fair for mobile communications, distribution, device and content solutions in Central Europe. In diesem Rahmen wurde zum zweiten Mal der „Show your App“-Award verliehen. Neben einem Jurypreis wurde auch ein Publikumspreis für die beste App ausgelobt. Der Online-Shopping-Club pauldirekt wurde dabei von den Usern auf Platz zwei gewählt. Für die pauldirekt GmbH ist dieser Preis ein Dank und ein Auftrag seiner Nutzer: „Wir sind sehr stolz, dass wir den zweiten Platz beim ‚Show your App’ Award belegen, da wir die wichtigste Zielgruppe, die Nutzer überzeugen konnten. Dies zeigt, dass unser Angebot ankommt. Gleichzeitig wissen wir aber auch, dass wir weiterhin viel Arbeit investieren müssen, um unsere Kunden dauerhaft zufriedenzustellen“, so Geschäftsführer Stefan Seebauer. Die iPhone App allows pauldirekt members on the go and buy the latest products. By now a significant revenue is achieved through the App. The pauldirekt GmbH is working continuously to improve the app. In addition to some technical modifications such as the integration of PayPal into the app also has its own version is planned for the iPad. In addition, the pauldirekt App for Android users has passed the beta phase. "As before the iPhone App will test a few selected fans of the facebook page for pauldirekt the Android app through its paces. So we make sure that the app like those to whom they must please. The users, "says CEO Patrick Bosch.

The second place in the Audience Award at the "Show your App" Award shows that the mobile services provided by paul at the customer's well received. The pauldirekt GmbH is also in improvements and new developments such as Android app on the feedback of more than 10,000 Facebook fans ( / pauldirekt ).

Will Baby Lotion Be Good To Masterbate

Teilnahme an großer Bildungsumfrage zeigt verstärkt Interesse der Netzgemeinschaft

More than 100,000 participants - the great citizen survey "Future of Education - Germany's wants to know" on moved the German Internet community.

education is as important as in 2011, not long. The so-called super-election year stands, and most political parties will write the topic of media attention on the flag. But what happens after the elections? The example of North Rhine-Westphalia shows that the abolition of tuition fees is a long process. In other states, similar projects also in the draw length. But it is doing what. In NRW for students soon only the social amount due and the Federal Government, it seems to have finally managed to bring the education package for Hartz IV recipients on the road. This is to ensure that financial support for the local children for food and school materials. Olaf Scholz also won with education as a central theme in the local elections Hamburg.

Recent developments are quite encouraging, but also show that it takes the issue of education in Germany is still too long, until something moves. That the German people like you. The formation of large survey is being discussed as to extensively. Dozens of users have already taken part in discussions. But many emails and letters show that the subject of Germany moved. And also on Twitter is controversial. The majority opinion is clear: it has to do what in Germany and the education survey is only the beginning! Many different educational sites were in the course of first week of the survey visible.

Only 13 days, then ends the great education survey. In mid-March to pass the results of the federal government. The goal: to trigger movement in Germany and re-training to become the number one topic. Even after the elections. "

Will Baby Lotion Be Good To Masterbate

Teilnahme an großer Bildungsumfrage zeigt verstärkt Interesse der Netzgemeinschaft

More than 100,000 participants - the great citizen survey "Future of Education - Germany's wants to know" on moved the German Internet community.

education is as important as in 2011, not long. The so-called super-election year stands, and most political parties will write the topic of media attention on the flag. But what happens after the elections? The example of North Rhine-Westphalia shows that the abolition of tuition fees is a long process. In other states, similar projects also in the draw length. But it is doing what. In NRW for students soon only the social amount due and the Federal Government, it seems to have finally managed to bring the education package for Hartz IV recipients on the road. This is to ensure that financial support for the local children for food and school materials. Olaf Scholz also won with education as a central theme in the local elections Hamburg.

Recent developments are quite encouraging, but also show that it takes the issue of education in Germany is still too long, until something moves. That the German people like you. The formation of large survey is being discussed as to extensively. Dozens of users have already taken part in discussions. But many emails and letters show that the subject of Germany moved. And also on Twitter is controversial. The majority opinion is clear: it has to do what in Germany and the education survey is only the beginning! Many different educational sites were in the course of first week of the survey visible.

Only 13 days, then ends the great education survey. In mid-March to pass the results of the federal government. The goal: to trigger movement in Germany and re-training to become the number one topic. Even after the elections. "

Frankenstein Quotes Showing Sympathy For Victor bringt Metal-Fans zum Mega-Event nach Gelsenkirchen

Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth and Anthrax for the first time in the Veltins-Arena in Gelsenkirchen in the July-class event in 2011

The Big Four Tour 2011 brings Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth and Anthrax in July for a concert of superlatives to Gelsenkirchen. bring on the almost historically 02/07/2011 to be named large event four of the best and loudest heavy metal bands on a stage. The Big Four Tour 2011 will see those in the metal in Germany in any case for large anticipation. For if experience all the bands together on stage for many a long-cherished dream. The Veltins-Arena in Gelsenkirchen offers several hours for this event all the conditions. Centrally located it is easily accessible for all rock fans and metal heads, there to hear the legends of thrash metal and see. On the Web fans can quickly and safely even book tickets for all categories.

total of more than 50,000 live fans have the opportunity to experience the four bands at the event for several hours in Gelsenkirchen. But the Metallica concert will take more than two hours. Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth and Anthrax can not be there in 2011 will enable the German audience in the 80 years back.

Smartfox Media bv
Princess Marijke Straat 1
NL-6045 AK Roermond
Tel: +31 - (475) 339 901
Fax: +31 - (475) 319 851 Tel
: 01805 - 4015 (14 Ct. / minute mobile rates may vary)
Telefonsupport (Montag bis Freitag)
09.30 - 12.30 und 13.30 - 17.00 Uhr

Frankenstein Quotes Showing Sympathy For Victor bringt Metal-Fans zum Mega-Event nach Gelsenkirchen

Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth and Anthrax for the first time in the Veltins-Arena in Gelsenkirchen in the July-class event in 2011

The Big Four Tour 2011 brings Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth and Anthrax in July for a concert of superlatives to Gelsenkirchen. bring on the almost historically 02/07/2011 to be named large event four of the best and loudest heavy metal bands on a stage. The Big Four Tour 2011 will see those in the metal in Germany in any case for large anticipation. For if experience all the bands together on stage for many a long-cherished dream. The Veltins-Arena in Gelsenkirchen offers several hours for this event all the conditions. Centrally located it is easily accessible for all rock fans and metal heads, there to hear the legends of thrash metal and see. On the Web fans can quickly and safely even book tickets for all categories.

total of more than 50,000 live fans have the opportunity to experience the four bands at the event for several hours in Gelsenkirchen. But the Metallica concert will take more than two hours. Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth and Anthrax can not be there in 2011 will enable the German audience in the 80 years back.

Smartfox Media bv
Princess Marijke Straat 1
NL-6045 AK Roermond
Tel: +31 - (475) 339 901
Fax: +31 - (475) 319 851 Tel
: 01805 - 4015 (14 Ct. / minute mobile rates may vary)
Telefonsupport (Montag bis Freitag)
09.30 - 12.30 und 13.30 - 17.00 Uhr

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Natural Remedies For Peach Fuzz At Home

World First: Candles From Purely Organically Produced Stearic

Cremer Care presents raw materials from 100% controlled cultivation

Natural plant-based raw materials are becoming increasingly important for the ever-growing market for organic products. Cremer Oleo, the North German leading producer of organic raw materials with its business unit Cremer Care, has succeeded in finding a natural, purely plant-based and continuously tested alternative to conventional stearic acid. The motto and the principle of the Hamburg company – ’Inspired by nature’ – is thus forcefully brought to life.

High expectations, as of the world's first certified organic stearic acid, are simply fundamental to the daily work of Cremer Care. This is the only way to fully meet the growing demand from more and more people with an awareness of sustainability. ’With this unique plant-based, Ecocert certified product, we have taken an important step towards the guarantee of a consistent traceability of our products and raw materials – from the plantation to the final product’, says Cremer business unit manager Patrick Knüppel.

The production of organic stearic acid to RSPO guidelines (Round Table for Sustainable Palm Oil) is guaranteed by the long-term partner Daabon from Colombia. There they have focused on plantations that are managed as small-farmer cooperatives, that have committed themselves to a complete, verifiable sustainability for more than 20 years.

Cremer goes that decisive step further to enable the production of organic candles: ’The organic raw material is purchased from one of the largest and most respected producers of organic agricultural products in South America, shipped and then processed under strict guidelines for organic stearic acid in Cremer Oleo’s own production facility, ´Prignitzer Chemie´ in Brandenburg. The product is a real milestone that meets the highest demands of any candle manufacturer.’, as product manager Michael Gretscher sums it up.

Sustainability and social responsibility in the production of raw materials thus complement each other in Cremer's motto ’Inspired by nature’.

Odile Grahl, Cremer Oleo GmbH & Co.
KG, Glockengießerwall 3, 20095 Hamburg, Germany, Telephone: +49 (0) 40/ 3 20 11-0, Fax: +49 (0) 40/ 3 20 11-400, E-Mail: , Internet:

Natural Remedies For Peach Fuzz At Home

World First: Candles From Purely Organically Produced Stearic

Cremer Care presents raw materials from 100% controlled cultivation

Natural plant-based raw materials are becoming increasingly important for the ever-growing market for organic products. Cremer Oleo, the North German leading producer of organic raw materials with its business unit Cremer Care, has succeeded in finding a natural, purely plant-based and continuously tested alternative to conventional stearic acid. The motto and the principle of the Hamburg company – ’Inspired by nature’ – is thus forcefully brought to life.

High expectations, as of the world's first certified organic stearic acid, are simply fundamental to the daily work of Cremer Care. This is the only way to fully meet the growing demand from more and more people with an awareness of sustainability. ’With this unique plant-based, Ecocert certified product, we have taken an important step towards the guarantee of a consistent traceability of our products and raw materials – from the plantation to the final product’, says Cremer business unit manager Patrick Knüppel.

The production of organic stearic acid to RSPO guidelines (Round Table for Sustainable Palm Oil) is guaranteed by the long-term partner Daabon from Colombia. There they have focused on plantations that are managed as small-farmer cooperatives, that have committed themselves to a complete, verifiable sustainability for more than 20 years.

Cremer goes that decisive step further to enable the production of organic candles: ’The organic raw material is purchased from one of the largest and most respected producers of organic agricultural products in South America, shipped and then processed under strict guidelines for organic stearic acid in Cremer Oleo’s own production facility, ´Prignitzer Chemie´ in Brandenburg. The product is a real milestone that meets the highest demands of any candle manufacturer.’, as product manager Michael Gretscher sums it up.

Sustainability and social responsibility in the production of raw materials thus complement each other in Cremer's motto ’Inspired by nature’.

Odile Grahl, Cremer Oleo GmbH & Co.
KG, Glockengießerwall 3, 20095 Hamburg, Germany, Telephone: +49 (0) 40/ 3 20 11-0, Fax: +49 (0) 40/ 3 20 11-400, E-Mail: , Internet:

How Does A Hodgkins Rash Look

world first: Candles from purely biologically produced stearic

Cremer Care presents material of 100% controlled cultivation

Natural plant raw materials are becoming increasingly important for the ever-growing market for organic products. Cremer Oleo, northern Germany, the leading producer of organic raw materials, has succeeded with his business Cremer Care to find a natural, pure plant and tested alternative to conventional stearic acid. The motto and the principle of the Hamburg-based company - "Inspired by nature" - is so consistently filled with life.

High Claims as to the world's first certified organic stearic acid, are fundamental to the daily work of Cremer Care is the only way you can meet the growing demand for more and more people with an awareness of sustainability fully meet. "With this unique plant, certified by Ecocert product, we have taken an important step towards the complete traceability of our products and raw materials - guarantee - from the plantation to the final product," says Cremer Business Unit Manager Patrick stick.

The production of bio-stearic acid to RSPO guidelines (Round Table for Sustainable Palm Oil) is guaranteed by the long-term partner Daabon from Colombia. There one has for over 20 years in plantations which are managed such as small-farmer cooperatives, which have a complete, verifiable sustainability.

Cremer goes further decisive step to enable the production of organic candles. "The organic raw material is purchased from one of the largest and most respected producers of organic agricultural products in South America, shipped and in the Cremer Oleo s production facility," processed Prignitzer chemistry "in Brandenburg, under strict organic guidelines for bio-stearin. The product is a real milestone that meets the highest demands of the candle manufacturer. "Product Manager Michael Gretscher it gets to the point.

sustainability and social responsibility in the production of raw materials complement each other so to Cremer's motto of "Inspired by nature".

Odile Graham
Cremer Oleo GmbH & Co. KG
Glockengießerwall 3
20095 Hamburg, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 40 / 3 20
11-0 Fax: +49 (0) 40 / 3 20 11-400

How Does A Hodgkins Rash Look

world first: Candles from purely biologically produced stearic

Cremer Care presents material of 100% controlled cultivation

Natural plant raw materials are becoming increasingly important for the ever-growing market for organic products. Cremer Oleo, northern Germany, the leading producer of organic raw materials, has succeeded with his business Cremer Care to find a natural, pure plant and tested alternative to conventional stearic acid. The motto and the principle of the Hamburg-based company - "Inspired by nature" - is so consistently filled with life.

High Claims as to the world's first certified organic stearic acid, are fundamental to the daily work of Cremer Care is the only way you can meet the growing demand for more and more people with an awareness of sustainability fully meet. "With this unique plant, certified by Ecocert product, we have taken an important step towards the complete traceability of our products and raw materials - guarantee - from the plantation to the final product," says Cremer Business Unit Manager Patrick stick.

The production of bio-stearic acid to RSPO guidelines (Round Table for Sustainable Palm Oil) is guaranteed by the long-term partner Daabon from Colombia. There one has for over 20 years in plantations which are managed such as small-farmer cooperatives, which have a complete, verifiable sustainability.

Cremer goes further decisive step to enable the production of organic candles. "The organic raw material is purchased from one of the largest and most respected producers of organic agricultural products in South America, shipped and in the Cremer Oleo s production facility," processed Prignitzer chemistry "in Brandenburg, under strict organic guidelines for bio-stearin. The product is a real milestone that meets the highest demands of the candle manufacturer. "Product Manager Michael Gretscher it gets to the point.

sustainability and social responsibility in the production of raw materials complement each other so to Cremer's motto of "Inspired by nature".

Odile Graham
Cremer Oleo GmbH & Co. KG
Glockengießerwall 3
20095 Hamburg, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 40 / 3 20
11-0 Fax: +49 (0) 40 / 3 20 11-400

Monday, February 14, 2011

Why Am I Itchy With The Stomach Flu

future through education - Germany will's know

on 14/02/2011 is the start of the major online citizen survey on education in Germany
A subject is involved
Germany from 02.14.2011: the German education system in Germany. By a high media coverage, especially by the active discussion of the Internet community there will be no chance of getting at the issue that concerns us all.

Future through Education - Germany wants to know "- on Monday, 14 February 2011 launched the major online citizen survey about the Education in focus . The survey was launched by IMAGE, Hürriyet, Roland Berger Strategy Consultants and the Bertelsmann Foundation. The aim of the survey is to obtain the desires, needs and requirements of the German population in the education system and the results then be delivered to the federal government.

three weeks, until 07 March can take part, people in Germany at the large citizen survey. Supports the formation survey of numerous celebrities. President Christian Wulff, Franz Beckenbauer, Nazan Eckes, Atze Schröder, and other celebrities involved in this Subject.

The questionnaire contains questions about current issues and education. To analyze the results by population group, can be queried at the end of personal questions like age, educational level, profession and place of residence. These data do not allow any conclusions about the participants, since all data is anonymous. The survey takes about 15 minutes. In addition to multiple-choice questions, there are also issues on which you can reply with their own words. This ensures that participants can submit your personal opinion about education in Germany.

The delivery of the survey results to the federal government made in March. To during the transfer to be here and to win a day in Berlin, the participants at the end of the survey can optionally specify their email address, and participants have in the competition. "- Wants to know Germany's future through education" -

the large citizen survey on education, see .

published by:
editorial office + Text
Public Relations and Publicity
Frank-Michael Preuss - phone 30173 Hannover
- Photographer & Journalist
Mendelssohn Strasse 7: 0511 4716-37 - Fax: 0511 4716-38
mobile: 0177 5040064
XING-Gruppe Online-PR:

Why Am I Itchy With The Stomach Flu

future through education - Germany will's know

on 14/02/2011 is the start of the major online citizen survey on education in Germany
A subject is involved
Germany from 02.14.2011: the German education system in Germany. By a high media coverage, especially by the active discussion of the Internet community there will be no chance of getting at the issue that concerns us all.

Future through Education - Germany wants to know "- on Monday, 14 February 2011 launched the major online citizen survey about the Education in focus . The survey was launched by IMAGE, Hürriyet, Roland Berger Strategy Consultants and the Bertelsmann Foundation. The aim of the survey is to obtain the desires, needs and requirements of the German population in the education system and the results then be delivered to the federal government.

three weeks, until 07 March can take part, people in Germany at the large citizen survey. Supports the formation survey of numerous celebrities. President Christian Wulff, Franz Beckenbauer, Nazan Eckes, Atze Schröder, and other celebrities involved in this Subject.

The questionnaire contains questions about current issues and education. To analyze the results by population group, can be queried at the end of personal questions like age, educational level, profession and place of residence. These data do not allow any conclusions about the participants, since all data is anonymous. The survey takes about 15 minutes. In addition to multiple-choice questions, there are also issues on which you can reply with their own words. This ensures that participants can submit your personal opinion about education in Germany.

The delivery of the survey results to the federal government made in March. To during the transfer to be here and to win a day in Berlin, the participants at the end of the survey can optionally specify their email address, and participants have in the competition. "- Wants to know Germany's future through education" -

the large citizen survey on education, see .

published by:
editorial office + Text
Public Relations and Publicity
Frank-Michael Preuss - phone 30173 Hannover
- Photographer & Journalist
Mendelssohn Strasse 7: 0511 4716-37 - Fax: 0511 4716-38
mobile: 0177 5040064
XING-Gruppe Online-PR:

Friday, February 11, 2011

The Sims 2 Mac Open For Business No Cd

Tobias Wolff: Our story begins

Die ganze Schaffenskraft von Tobias Wolff umfasst sein neuer Erzählungsband: einige der schönsten frühen Erzählungen und zehn neue Storys, die nun erstmals auf Deutsch zu lesen sind.

Dreißig Jahre sind vergangen. Dreißig Jahre, in denen er Mary Claude nicht gesehen, in denen er ein integres Leben als Ehemann, Vater und Internist geführt — und doch täglich an sie gedacht hat. Ihre Küsse, den Schwung ihres Halses, die Möglichkeit eines anderen Lebens.

Von geheimen Sehnsüchten, Tagträumen und Selbsttäuschung erzählt Tobias Wolff in seinen neuen Storys, von Einzelgängern und Eigenbrötlern, von notorischen Lügnern, missratenen Söhnen und missgünstigen Nachbarn. Die Weisheit eines ganzen Lebens und tiefe Menschenkenntnis sprechen aus diesen Erzählungen. Das Gespür, mit dem Wolff die Sehnsüchte seiner Figuren ergründet, verborgene Leben hinter den wirklichen enthüllt, Schlüsselbegegnungen in Szene setzt, ist aufs Neue verblüffend. Unsere Story begins. Five years of ardent waiting for the new Wolff come to an end.

"His stories are never didactic or instructive. Some are funny, some chasing a send shivers down your spine. But not one of them will leave us unaffected. "RAYMOND CARVER

" Tobias Wolff read as in the comfortable seats of grandfather's old Buick to sink and to embark on a journey to the small cities in America, right into the small joys, the little battles, the little desperation. "NEW YORK TIMES

" Who wants to read the really good stories that should read Tobias Wolff " DIE ZEIT

Tobias Wolff: Unsere Geschichte beginnt
Aus dem Englischen von Frank Heibert
208 Seiten, gebunden
ISBN-13: 9783827008527

The Sims 2 Mac Open For Business No Cd

Tobias Wolff: Our story begins

Die ganze Schaffenskraft von Tobias Wolff umfasst sein neuer Erzählungsband: einige der schönsten frühen Erzählungen und zehn neue Storys, die nun erstmals auf Deutsch zu lesen sind.

Dreißig Jahre sind vergangen. Dreißig Jahre, in denen er Mary Claude nicht gesehen, in denen er ein integres Leben als Ehemann, Vater und Internist geführt — und doch täglich an sie gedacht hat. Ihre Küsse, den Schwung ihres Halses, die Möglichkeit eines anderen Lebens.

Von geheimen Sehnsüchten, Tagträumen und Selbsttäuschung erzählt Tobias Wolff in seinen neuen Storys, von Einzelgängern und Eigenbrötlern, von notorischen Lügnern, missratenen Söhnen und missgünstigen Nachbarn. Die Weisheit eines ganzen Lebens und tiefe Menschenkenntnis sprechen aus diesen Erzählungen. Das Gespür, mit dem Wolff die Sehnsüchte seiner Figuren ergründet, verborgene Leben hinter den wirklichen enthüllt, Schlüsselbegegnungen in Szene setzt, ist aufs Neue verblüffend. Unsere Story begins. Five years of ardent waiting for the new Wolff come to an end.

"His stories are never didactic or instructive. Some are funny, some chasing a send shivers down your spine. But not one of them will leave us unaffected. "RAYMOND CARVER

" Tobias Wolff read as in the comfortable seats of grandfather's old Buick to sink and to embark on a journey to the small cities in America, right into the small joys, the little battles, the little desperation. "NEW YORK TIMES

" Who wants to read the really good stories that should read Tobias Wolff " DIE ZEIT

Tobias Wolff: Unsere Geschichte beginnt
Aus dem Englischen von Frank Heibert
208 Seiten, gebunden
ISBN-13: 9783827008527

Heather Brooke Is Dead?

flirt supports singles to find partners

Besonders in der kalten Jahreszeit wird vielen Menschen bewusst, dass sie sich nach einer besseren Hälfte sehnen. Die Singlebörse hilft bei der Suche nach dem Liebesglück.

Im neuen Wochenthema „Dauersingle - immer noch solo?“ wird auf dem flirt-fever Blog ( ) über die Ursachen des dauerhaften Single-Daseins discussed.

certainly true for this problem, not all members of our society, but flirt with the high number of applications such as reflect a bit more again the current single level in Germany. "We have decided to start the cold seasons recorded more applications than in the remaining months. Our customer base remained constant, "a charge of flirt. But what will be a permanent single? First, there are the more timid people who can not connect directly to other people. They have problems talking to strangers and therefore have great problems automatically flirting. But it must not immer an der Schüchternheit einer Person liegen. Vor allem sind es auch Personen, die sich selbst Vorwürfe machen und sich die Schuld an ihrem Single-Dasein geben. Dadurch verlieren viele ihr Selbstbewusstsein und versinken somit weiter im Strudel der Einsamkeit.

Die Singlebörse will ihre Mitglieder bei der Partnersuche unterstützen. Im flirt-fever Blog tauschen die Mitglieder ihre Erfahrungen untereinander aus und können sich gegenseitig Tipps und Ratschläge geben. Auch bei Twitter sind regelmäßig News und Beiträge rund um die Themen Dating, Liebe und Flirten von zu finden ( ). Darüber hinaus steht die flirt-fever Blog-Redaktion its members on issues like the side, because even flirt is concerned that seeking the right partner can quickly and not wait for him forever.

Heather Brooke Is Dead?

flirt supports singles to find partners

Besonders in der kalten Jahreszeit wird vielen Menschen bewusst, dass sie sich nach einer besseren Hälfte sehnen. Die Singlebörse hilft bei der Suche nach dem Liebesglück.

Im neuen Wochenthema „Dauersingle - immer noch solo?“ wird auf dem flirt-fever Blog ( ) über die Ursachen des dauerhaften Single-Daseins discussed.

certainly true for this problem, not all members of our society, but flirt with the high number of applications such as reflect a bit more again the current single level in Germany. "We have decided to start the cold seasons recorded more applications than in the remaining months. Our customer base remained constant, "a charge of flirt. But what will be a permanent single? First, there are the more timid people who can not connect directly to other people. They have problems talking to strangers and therefore have great problems automatically flirting. But it must not immer an der Schüchternheit einer Person liegen. Vor allem sind es auch Personen, die sich selbst Vorwürfe machen und sich die Schuld an ihrem Single-Dasein geben. Dadurch verlieren viele ihr Selbstbewusstsein und versinken somit weiter im Strudel der Einsamkeit.

Die Singlebörse will ihre Mitglieder bei der Partnersuche unterstützen. Im flirt-fever Blog tauschen die Mitglieder ihre Erfahrungen untereinander aus und können sich gegenseitig Tipps und Ratschläge geben. Auch bei Twitter sind regelmäßig News und Beiträge rund um die Themen Dating, Liebe und Flirten von zu finden ( ). Darüber hinaus steht die flirt-fever Blog-Redaktion its members on issues like the side, because even flirt is concerned that seeking the right partner can quickly and not wait for him forever.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Who Does Brazilian Waxing In Montgomery, Al

nanocosmos GmbH cooperates with the Berlin International Film Festival 2011

nanocosmos GmbH, a leader in video software, supplies the Berlinale Film Festival 2011 with their video playout and encoder software

The nanocosmos GmbH, Berlin - http:// , a leader in video software - developed in cooperation with the Berlinale video playout and encoder software. All films in the festival program are coded with nanocosmos software, encrypted, and in all cinemas played on special player software. To use advanced HD encoding technologies are based on the professional studio-MXF file format that is used in a professional studio and cinema environment. The playout is via PC-based systems with Black Magic Decklink hardware. In the integrated workflow of ingest and playout the latest codec and encryption technologies are used.

offers nanocosmos especially in the professional studio and cinema-environment high-performance software applications in the professional video encoding and file-based workflows. MXF is made as the standard format in the studio by, among others in the professional formats XDCAM HD and P2. As codec formats primarily MPEG2 and H.264 are used.

The nanocosmos Information Technologies GmbH, based in Berlin as a specialist for studio, broadcast and streaming solutions for professional users a reliable and competent partner. He said the company works mainly with business customers in the area of streaming video and install the plugins and codecs for video encoding into their own systems. "The cooperation with the Berlinale is a great asset to our software platforms in the professional film industry." nanocosmos says CEO Oliver Lietz about the new cooperation with the Berlinale Film Festival 2011th

Berlinale: Die Internationalen Filmfestspiele sind nicht nur das größte Kulturereignis der Stadt, sondern auch eines der wichtigsten Events der internationalen Filmindustrie. Ca. 19.000 Fachbesucher und 300.000 Zuschauer bekommen im Festivalprogramm knapp 400 Filme zu sehen, im European Film Market werden über 700 Filme dem internationalen Fachpublikum präsentiert. Mittlerweile wird mehr als die Hälfte der Filme auf digitalen Formaten angeliefert.

nanocosmos Informationstechnologien GmbH Berlin
GF: Oliver Lietz
Am Borsigturm 40
13507 Berlin
Tel +49 30 4303 2411
Fax +49 30 4303 2413

Who Does Brazilian Waxing In Montgomery, Al

nanocosmos GmbH cooperates with the Berlin International Film Festival 2011

nanocosmos GmbH, a leader in video software, supplies the Berlinale Film Festival 2011 with their video playout and encoder software

The nanocosmos GmbH, Berlin - http:// , a leader in video software - developed in cooperation with the Berlinale video playout and encoder software. All films in the festival program are coded with nanocosmos software, encrypted, and in all cinemas played on special player software. To use advanced HD encoding technologies are based on the professional studio-MXF file format that is used in a professional studio and cinema environment. The playout is via PC-based systems with Black Magic Decklink hardware. In the integrated workflow of ingest and playout the latest codec and encryption technologies are used.

offers nanocosmos especially in the professional studio and cinema-environment high-performance software applications in the professional video encoding and file-based workflows. MXF is made as the standard format in the studio by, among others in the professional formats XDCAM HD and P2. As codec formats primarily MPEG2 and H.264 are used.

The nanocosmos Information Technologies GmbH, based in Berlin as a specialist for studio, broadcast and streaming solutions for professional users a reliable and competent partner. He said the company works mainly with business customers in the area of streaming video and install the plugins and codecs for video encoding into their own systems. "The cooperation with the Berlinale is a great asset to our software platforms in the professional film industry." nanocosmos says CEO Oliver Lietz about the new cooperation with the Berlinale Film Festival 2011th

Berlinale: Die Internationalen Filmfestspiele sind nicht nur das größte Kulturereignis der Stadt, sondern auch eines der wichtigsten Events der internationalen Filmindustrie. Ca. 19.000 Fachbesucher und 300.000 Zuschauer bekommen im Festivalprogramm knapp 400 Filme zu sehen, im European Film Market werden über 700 Filme dem internationalen Fachpublikum präsentiert. Mittlerweile wird mehr als die Hälfte der Filme auf digitalen Formaten angeliefert.

nanocosmos Informationstechnologien GmbH Berlin
GF: Oliver Lietz
Am Borsigturm 40
13507 Berlin
Tel +49 30 4303 2411
Fax +49 30 4303 2413

Friday, February 4, 2011

Briolitevs Moissanite

"Three cycles, "paintings by Christine Rohrbach MLP

opening of the exhibition with images from the series "Swing", "secret documents" and "Mystics of the Hanoverian painter Christine Rohrbach, 26 March 2011 at 11

The group anthracite with poetic texts by Christine Rohrbach and spherical sound wonderful translations Frank-Michael Preuss ( ) opens the exhibition "three cycles" with paintings by Christine Rohrbach on Mar 26, 2011 at 11am in the event of the Women's Business Club at MLP in St. Mary's Road 11 in 30171 Hannover.

shows over three floors at MLP in St. Mary's Road 11 30171 Hannover, the artist Christine Rohrbach ( ) images from the series "Swing", "secret documents" and "Mystics".

The cycle "swing" in the middle floor was built in 2010 with "energy images, the spiral as a snapshot of personal development in den Mittelpunkt stellen und in warmen leuchtenden Farben gemalt ist. Diese Energiebilder zeigen in farblichen Kontrasten das Polaritätsprinzip Yin und Yang sowie die rhythmische Wiederkehr allen Geschehens – sowie auch geheime Zeichen als Ausdruck des universellen Rätsels, das sich uns nie ganz erschließt.

Der zweite Zyklus „Geheimschriften“ (2008-2010) untersucht Strukturen hinter dem Gegenwärtigen, Gegenständlichen und äußert sich als Schriftform kryptischer Symbole. Hinter allen Erscheinungsformen schwingt eine Melodie, die als rhythmische Formenschrift ausgedrückt wird – wie z.B. in „Stadtschrift“. Die Themen Inkarnationen beziehen sich dabei auf die ewige Reise, die wir als Persönlichkeiten unternehmen – wie ganz deutlich in den Bildern „Reisende“ dargestellt wird.

Der Zyklus „Mystics“ (2007-2010) in der unteren Etage mit Bildern wie „Ekstase“ oder „Begegnung am Strand“ bezieht sich auf Comic-Formen, die die Malerin als Symbole in ihre Bilder mit einbezieht. „Begegnung am Strand“ zeigt einen lichten hellen Untergrund und Riesentatzen, die als Spuren des Unheimlichen, nicht Fassbaren agieren – bei „Ekstase“ stellt das magische Unendlichkeitszeichen den Mittelpunkt des Bildes dar.

Die farbig abstrakten Acrylbilder setzt Christine Rohrbach in sehr eigener Fassung jenseits des Mainstreams order. The artist first studied philosophy before she pivoted around to art. Felt in her paintings is to deal with profound psychological issues that find their expression in the Stilrichtrung of poetic painting.

duration of the exhibition until 16 June 2011, leadership Wednesday, 6 April 11 from 17h-19h at MLP, Marie Straße 11, 30171 Hannover

Contact: Christine Rohrbach
Tel 0511.492416

Martin Langner
Phone 0511.12619-35

Briolitevs Moissanite

"Three cycles, "paintings by Christine Rohrbach MLP

opening of the exhibition with images from the series "Swing", "secret documents" and "Mystics of the Hanoverian painter Christine Rohrbach, 26 March 2011 at 11

The group anthracite with poetic texts by Christine Rohrbach and spherical sound wonderful translations Frank-Michael Preuss ( ) opens the exhibition "three cycles" with paintings by Christine Rohrbach on Mar 26, 2011 at 11am in the event of the Women's Business Club at MLP in St. Mary's Road 11 in 30171 Hannover.

shows over three floors at MLP in St. Mary's Road 11 30171 Hannover, the artist Christine Rohrbach ( ) images from the series "Swing", "secret documents" and "Mystics".

The cycle "swing" in the middle floor was built in 2010 with "energy images, the spiral as a snapshot of personal development in den Mittelpunkt stellen und in warmen leuchtenden Farben gemalt ist. Diese Energiebilder zeigen in farblichen Kontrasten das Polaritätsprinzip Yin und Yang sowie die rhythmische Wiederkehr allen Geschehens – sowie auch geheime Zeichen als Ausdruck des universellen Rätsels, das sich uns nie ganz erschließt.

Der zweite Zyklus „Geheimschriften“ (2008-2010) untersucht Strukturen hinter dem Gegenwärtigen, Gegenständlichen und äußert sich als Schriftform kryptischer Symbole. Hinter allen Erscheinungsformen schwingt eine Melodie, die als rhythmische Formenschrift ausgedrückt wird – wie z.B. in „Stadtschrift“. Die Themen Inkarnationen beziehen sich dabei auf die ewige Reise, die wir als Persönlichkeiten unternehmen – wie ganz deutlich in den Bildern „Reisende“ dargestellt wird.

Der Zyklus „Mystics“ (2007-2010) in der unteren Etage mit Bildern wie „Ekstase“ oder „Begegnung am Strand“ bezieht sich auf Comic-Formen, die die Malerin als Symbole in ihre Bilder mit einbezieht. „Begegnung am Strand“ zeigt einen lichten hellen Untergrund und Riesentatzen, die als Spuren des Unheimlichen, nicht Fassbaren agieren – bei „Ekstase“ stellt das magische Unendlichkeitszeichen den Mittelpunkt des Bildes dar.

Die farbig abstrakten Acrylbilder setzt Christine Rohrbach in sehr eigener Fassung jenseits des Mainstreams order. The artist first studied philosophy before she pivoted around to art. Felt in her paintings is to deal with profound psychological issues that find their expression in the Stilrichtrung of poetic painting.

duration of the exhibition until 16 June 2011, leadership Wednesday, 6 April 11 from 17h-19h at MLP, Marie Straße 11, 30171 Hannover

Contact: Christine Rohrbach
Tel 0511.492416

Martin Langner
Phone 0511.12619-35

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Candy Bar Poster Prom Sayings

Media Law 2.0 - Law for media makers

Media Law 2.0 - Law on the media agenda. The quick reference guide to media law Practice. A guide for all journalists and media workers, the answers to your media law questions are looking for. When journalists are liable for their text, word and picture messages? When do you need a permit to film? When is consent before the publication of the picture? What must be considered in court reporting? What are my rights as an author? Is there a protection of ideas for screenplays, broadcast formats and advertising copy? This introduction to the media law is aimed emphasizes practical. Without regulatory jungle, but with checklists and sample contracts.

user friendly, good structure, the reader in focusing on the really important media law issues helps. Written in clear language and with helpful tips throughout the media everyday, turns this book to anyone who is interested in media law.

Media Law 2.0 - Law on the media agenda.
Author: Christian Zappe
Publisher: Books on Demand GmbH
Paperback, 228 pages
ISBN-10 :3-8423-1426-4
EAN: 9783842314269

Candy Bar Poster Prom Sayings

Media Law 2.0 - Law for media makers

Media Law 2.0 - Law on the media agenda. The quick reference guide to media law Practice. A guide for all journalists and media workers, the answers to your media law questions are looking for. When journalists are liable for their text, word and picture messages? When do you need a permit to film? When is consent before the publication of the picture? What must be considered in court reporting? What are my rights as an author? Is there a protection of ideas for screenplays, broadcast formats and advertising copy? This introduction to the media law is aimed emphasizes practical. Without regulatory jungle, but with checklists and sample contracts.

user friendly, good structure, the reader in focusing on the really important media law issues helps. Written in clear language and with helpful tips throughout the media everyday, turns this book to anyone who is interested in media law.

Media Law 2.0 - Law on the media agenda.
Author: Christian Zappe
Publisher: Books on Demand GmbH
Paperback, 228 pages
ISBN-10 :3-8423-1426-4
EAN: 9783842314269

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Line Cook Resume Sample

Get out of unemployment!

Get out of unemployment!

Webinar on Sunday at 19.00 clock on the topic: How to Get Out of the unemployment, but? and
clock at 19.30 on: Consulting support for start-ups (up to 90%) Is that true?

Line Cook Resume Sample

Get out of unemployment!

Get out of unemployment!

Webinar on Sunday at 19.00 clock on the topic: How to Get Out of the unemployment, but? and
clock at 19.30 on: Consulting support for start-ups (up to 90%) Is that true?

Wards Ap Bio Lab 8 Answers Number 12

Leading with Humor - The motivation strategy in companies

of Jumi Jumi Vogler Vogler cabaret potential business development expert of humor as a communication and motivation strategy in business.

"In a global world, companies need motivated, creative and flexible staff. But where to? If statistically 55% of all Germans "render service to rule, it is clear that current motivational approaches have failed. Who wants a special achievement, must motivate special. The challenges in a global economy requires a new strategy. The strategy is called "Leading with Humor".

humor encourages innovation and independent action. Humor creates a human enterprise culture and the willingness for change processes. Humor develops flexible communication structures and learning enterprise. Humor motivates employees and customers. With fun and joy. Humor creates growth. "Personal and Economical!" Jumi Vogler describes her concept of "Leading with Humor".

Jumi Vogler - - works in large and medium-sized companies and administrations to put the long on innovative approaches to employee and customer motivation. With Process Manager, TUI Germany GmbH developed Jumi Vogler training concepts for the topic of motivation and self-motivation with humor. " The bottom line: people, die Spaß an ihrer Arbeit und ihrem Arbeitsplatz haben, sind engagierter, leistungsbereiter, erfolgreicher.

„Führen mit Humor“ gewinnt das Vertrauen der Kunden. Wer dem Anbieter vertraut, vertraut der Qualität seiner Produkte. Und  kauft. Leistung und Spaß, Arbeit und Freude sind keine unvereinbaren Gegensätze. Im Gegenteil: Spaß und Freude erschaffen Leistungsbereitschaft und unterstützen Innovationen. „Führen mit Humor“ ist ein Konzept, das die Prozesse des gesamten Unternehmens betrifft. Denn Humor basiert auf Werten und stellt den Menschen in den Mittelpunkt.

Und das Beste daran: Humor ist kein Ausnahmentalent einiger weniger. „Führen Humor can be learned. In coaching and training. Humor makes the individual more attractive, charismatic, flexible, much more successful, communicative, creative, confident, likeable and entstresst. Jumi Vogler's motto: Success laughs "

Jumi Vogler's film" Run with humor "of the Hannover Messe / WPM 2010 on YouTube! # p/u/1/DVHaBsHHTzo

Contact: SUCCESS
Jumi Vogler corporate cabaret potential development
Grünewaldstr. 27

30177 Hannover Phone: 0511/669875
Fax: 0511/6002636

Wards Ap Bio Lab 8 Answers Number 12

Leading with Humor - The motivation strategy in companies

of Jumi Jumi Vogler Vogler cabaret potential business development expert of humor as a communication and motivation strategy in business.

"In a global world, companies need motivated, creative and flexible staff. But where to? If statistically 55% of all Germans "render service to rule, it is clear that current motivational approaches have failed. Who wants a special achievement, must motivate special. The challenges in a global economy requires a new strategy. The strategy is called "Leading with Humor".

humor encourages innovation and independent action. Humor creates a human enterprise culture and the willingness for change processes. Humor develops flexible communication structures and learning enterprise. Humor motivates employees and customers. With fun and joy. Humor creates growth. "Personal and Economical!" Jumi Vogler describes her concept of "Leading with Humor".

Jumi Vogler - - works in large and medium-sized companies and administrations to put the long on innovative approaches to employee and customer motivation. With Process Manager, TUI Germany GmbH developed Jumi Vogler training concepts for the topic of motivation and self-motivation with humor. " The bottom line: people, die Spaß an ihrer Arbeit und ihrem Arbeitsplatz haben, sind engagierter, leistungsbereiter, erfolgreicher.

„Führen mit Humor“ gewinnt das Vertrauen der Kunden. Wer dem Anbieter vertraut, vertraut der Qualität seiner Produkte. Und  kauft. Leistung und Spaß, Arbeit und Freude sind keine unvereinbaren Gegensätze. Im Gegenteil: Spaß und Freude erschaffen Leistungsbereitschaft und unterstützen Innovationen. „Führen mit Humor“ ist ein Konzept, das die Prozesse des gesamten Unternehmens betrifft. Denn Humor basiert auf Werten und stellt den Menschen in den Mittelpunkt.

Und das Beste daran: Humor ist kein Ausnahmentalent einiger weniger. „Führen Humor can be learned. In coaching and training. Humor makes the individual more attractive, charismatic, flexible, much more successful, communicative, creative, confident, likeable and entstresst. Jumi Vogler's motto: Success laughs "

Jumi Vogler's film" Run with humor "of the Hannover Messe / WPM 2010 on YouTube! # p/u/1/DVHaBsHHTzo

Contact: SUCCESS
Jumi Vogler corporate cabaret potential development
Grünewaldstr. 27

30177 Hannover Phone: 0511/669875
Fax: 0511/6002636

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Best Kates Playground Set?

There was once Indian Country - Nils Mohl at rororo

"I need a car, I need money, I need sleep. What I have are a hat, another five days of summer vacation, the drill by Edda "

For Mohl's novel is, as was also already known for his award-winning short stories." Prose, whose whimsical and the quick cuts to films like remember "Short Cuts" or "Pulp Fiction". Hamburger Abendblatt

Nils Mohl is the "Forum Hamburger authors" and taught writing skills at the university. red fox

rororo, rororo
Paperback, 352 p.
01.02.2011 - 12,99 €

Best Kates Playground Set?

There was once Indian Country - Nils Mohl at rororo

"I need a car, I need money, I need sleep. What I have are a hat, another five days of summer vacation, the drill by Edda "

For Mohl's novel is, as was also already known for his award-winning short stories." Prose, whose whimsical and the quick cuts to films like remember "Short Cuts" or "Pulp Fiction". Hamburger Abendblatt

Nils Mohl is the "Forum Hamburger authors" and taught writing skills at the university. red fox

rororo, rororo
Paperback, 352 p.
01.02.2011 - 12,99 €