Thursday, December 20, 2007

What Is Six Days Before Period

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2008 Training Schedule

all clients, colleagues, judges, faculty colleagues and all volunteer club officials (Ass.) I wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy prosperous and healthy New Year 2008. May the gods of fortune and unite all your personal and bring career success.

the many volunteer club officials, I wish you serenity in your club activities. Let us not spoil of moaners and alls the pleasure of your commitment to the youth and for society.

your Wolfgang Maurer

What Is Six Days Before Period

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2008 Training Schedule

all clients, colleagues, judges, faculty colleagues and all volunteer club officials (Ass.) I wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy prosperous and healthy New Year 2008. May the gods of fortune and unite all your personal and bring career success.

the many volunteer club officials, I wish you serenity in your club activities. Let us not spoil of moaners and alls the pleasure of your commitment to the youth and for society.

your Wolfgang Maurer

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Dental Office Receptionist Cover Letter

The associations and folk high schools are invited to their need for training in association law, tax law association, sports club management and organization in writing of 31.1.2008 up to register under the popular e-mail address.

Signed W. Maurer

Dental Office Receptionist Cover Letter

The associations and folk high schools are invited to their need for training in association law, tax law association, sports club management and organization in writing of 31.1.2008 up to register under the popular e-mail address.

Signed W. Maurer

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Essays On Surveillance Cameras In School

pattern of tax receipt (cash donation)

Exhibitor (Name and address of the corporation, etc.)


of grants within the meaning of § 10 b of the Income Tax Act on one of the in § 5 para 1 No 9 of the Tax Act referred to corporations, associations or estates

type of donation: grant money

name and residence of the donor:

XXX Egon donors, donors street 1a, 00000 SpenderdorfXXX

amount of funding in figures / in words / day of the grant

XXX EUR 1.000/Eintausend / XXX 28/04/2000

It is not the waiver of the reimbursement of expenses.

We are due to promotion of sports after the last received by us notice of exemption from the tax office Sportstdt, StNr 00/11 222 31.12.1998 for the years 1995 bis 1997 nach § 5 Abs. 1 Nr. 9 des Körperschaftsteuergesetzes von der Körperschaftsteuer befreit.

Es wird bestätigt, dass es sich nicht um Mitgliedsbeiträge, sonstige Mitgliedsumlagen oder Aufnahmegebühren handelt und die Zuwendung nur zur Förderung des Sports im Sinne der Anlage 1 - zu § 48 Abs. 2 Einkommensteuer-Durchführungsverordnung - Abschnitt B Nr. 1 verwendet wird.

Sportstadt, 29.4.2000



person who willfully or grossly negligently created a false donation receipt or who caused that contributions are not specified in the donation receipt tax-exempt purposes to be used shall be liable for the tax that the Treasury escaping through a possible withdrawal of the grants grants (§ 10 b paragraph 4 Income Tax Act, § 9, paragraph 3 CIT, § 9, No. 5 TTA).

This confirmation is not as proof of the tax recognition of the donation be accepted if the date of the notice of exemption longer than 5 years ago (BMF, 15.12.1994, Federal Tax Gazette I p. 884).

Essays On Surveillance Cameras In School

pattern of tax receipt (cash donation)

Exhibitor (Name and address of the corporation, etc.)


of grants within the meaning of § 10 b of the Income Tax Act on one of the in § 5 para 1 No 9 of the Tax Act referred to corporations, associations or estates

type of donation: grant money

name and residence of the donor:

XXX Egon donors, donors street 1a, 00000 SpenderdorfXXX

amount of funding in figures / in words / day of the grant

XXX EUR 1.000/Eintausend / XXX 28/04/2000

It is not the waiver of the reimbursement of expenses.

We are due to promotion of sports after the last received by us notice of exemption from the tax office Sportstdt, StNr 00/11 222 31.12.1998 for the years 1995 bis 1997 nach § 5 Abs. 1 Nr. 9 des Körperschaftsteuergesetzes von der Körperschaftsteuer befreit.

Es wird bestätigt, dass es sich nicht um Mitgliedsbeiträge, sonstige Mitgliedsumlagen oder Aufnahmegebühren handelt und die Zuwendung nur zur Förderung des Sports im Sinne der Anlage 1 - zu § 48 Abs. 2 Einkommensteuer-Durchführungsverordnung - Abschnitt B Nr. 1 verwendet wird.

Sportstadt, 29.4.2000



person who willfully or grossly negligently created a false donation receipt or who caused that contributions are not specified in the donation receipt tax-exempt purposes to be used shall be liable for the tax that the Treasury escaping through a possible withdrawal of the grants grants (§ 10 b paragraph 4 Income Tax Act, § 9, paragraph 3 CIT, § 9, No. 5 TTA).

This confirmation is not as proof of the tax recognition of the donation be accepted if the date of the notice of exemption longer than 5 years ago (BMF, 15.12.1994, Federal Tax Gazette I p. 884).

Sunday, January 14, 2007

South Park Prelude To Tokugawa Music

FG Münster, and judgments of 16.12.2005 (document number:

11 K 1328/05 E

to license taxation Turkish football players in Germany:

The applicability of Article 17, paragraph 3 DBA Turkey does not require that met in Turkey as a charitable person at the same time the requirements of § § 51 ff AO 1977th - D § 50 para 1 sentence 10 Income Tax Act is applicable if the additional assessment was made after 31.12.2001, is negligible when the tax in question arose. (From the central rate).

South Park Prelude To Tokugawa Music

FG Münster, and judgments of 16.12.2005 (document number:

11 K 1328/05 E

to license taxation Turkish football players in Germany:

The applicability of Article 17, paragraph 3 DBA Turkey does not require that met in Turkey as a charitable person at the same time the requirements of § § 51 ff AO 1977th - D § 50 para 1 sentence 10 Income Tax Act is applicable if the additional assessment was made after 31.12.2001, is negligible when the tax in question arose. (From the central rate).