Sunday, November 23, 2008

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Platons versunkene Insel Atlantis

When Plato wrote down in the fourth century BC, the Legend of Atlantis in his dialogues Timaeus and Critias, he would not have dreamed it to be that this cause even in 2300 years of discussion and criticism would. And this discussion started in ancient times, there were early supporters and skeptics.

Today Plato's text is seen by experts as essentially a fiction, which was to explain his philosophical thoughts. But there are still among the specialist scientists some archaeologists and linguists, do not exclude a historical background. Like the looks, however, about the opinions diverge widely.

Some years ago I started a book project , has collected this thesis and deals with the question of whether there actually is evidence that Plato used historical material. In these theories, there are known some, like the thesis of Santorini Spyridon Marinatos or the thesis of Troy Geoarchaeological Eberhard Zangger, but largely unnoticed, like the Tartessos hypothesis of Adolf Schulten's theory or the Sea Peoples, among others, H. Görgemanns represents. The book is addressed primarily to beginners in the subject, and for those who want to delve deeper, there are detailed references.

Publication is at the publisher Twilight-Line . Another blog where I give a little insight into my work and hobbies can be found here .

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Gmc Yokon Engine Cover

Platons versunkene Insel Atlantis

When Plato wrote down in the fourth century BC, the Legend of Atlantis in his dialogues Timaeus and Critias, he would not have dreamed it to be that this cause even in 2300 years of discussion and criticism would. And this discussion started in ancient times, there were early supporters and skeptics.

Today Plato's text is seen by experts as essentially a fiction, which was to explain his philosophical thoughts. But there are still among the specialist scientists some archaeologists and linguists, do not exclude a historical background. Like the looks, however, about the opinions diverge widely.

Some years ago I started a book project , has collected this thesis and deals with the question of whether there actually is evidence that Plato used historical material. In these theories, there are known some, like the thesis of Santorini Spyridon Marinatos or the thesis of Troy Geoarchaeological Eberhard Zangger, but largely unnoticed, like the Tartessos hypothesis of Adolf Schulten's theory or the Sea Peoples, among others, H. Görgemanns represents. The book is addressed primarily to beginners in the subject, and for those who want to delve deeper, there are detailed references.

Publication is at the publisher Twilight-Line . Another blog where I give a little insight into my work and hobbies can be found here .

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