Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Alcohol Messes Up Your Menstrual Cycle

cobra präsentiert Trendstudie CRM 2011 auf CeBIT 2011

customer acquisition, revenue growth and improved customer service - these are the objectives enjoy top priority in German companies.

customer acquisition, revenue growth and improved customer service - these are the objectives enjoy top priority in German companies. This is the result of the trend study, CRM 2011, the Constance software company cobra in the international market research and strategic consulting firm , Pierre Audoin Consultants (PAC) GmbH commissioned. 103 companies with more than 500 employees, has asked the market research in IT and software specialized institution, the main messages presented cobra at this year's CeBIT.

"When choosing a CRM software solution, think executives from sales, marketing and service primarily to the efficiency: The ease of use, automation and document management interfaces to view it as particularly important. Purely technological properties relinquished into the background, "said Frank Niemann, Director of Software Markets PAC. The data quality clear the company, however a high Stellenwert ein – sie spielt bei den Auswahlkriterien investitionsbereiter Firmen für die CRM-Software eine wichtige Rolle.

Kaum ein Unternehmen, so ergab die von CRM-Spezialist cobra in Auftrag gegebene Analyse, verzichtet heute noch auf den Softwareeinsatz in Vertrieb, Marketing und Service. Jedoch ist ein großer Teil der Anwender nur teilweise zufrieden mit der eingesetzten Lösung. „Dieses Ergebnis der Studie verstehen wir als Herausforderung, denn mit unserer Software bleibt kein Kunde unzufrieden, sondern kann eine Umsatzsteigerung von durchschnittlich 23,8 Prozent erreichen“, betont cobra-Geschäftsführer Jürgen Litz.

Zudem beweist das Unternehmen aus Konstanz einmal mehr innovativen Pioneering spirit: even if according to the PAC study of mobile access to the CRM software is not high on the priority list, do some companies today, or at least in the near future their staff to equip with mobile devices, competing with them on the go-relevant data access. Cobra and relies on mobile solutions: their CRM software allows on Blackberry, iPhone or iPad always and everywhere a direct access to customers - and project information.

Whether the respective IT suppliers is the market leader, it reveals the Pierre Audoin analysis plays in German companies a minor role. Accordingly, the company is more interested in having the supplier Nearby is or can afford the German support. "Cobra customers will receive a comprehensive installation and basic support. In addition, an authorized partner cobra is on the spot when even in our user-friendly software solution should have questions once, "promises cobra-CEO Jürgen Litz.

The study is available for a nominal fee. For more information .

cobra GmbH
weavers Straße 7 D-78467 Konstanz

Press and Public Relations
Katrina Gutberlet
Phone +49 7531 8101 37

Monika Mack
Telefon +49 7531 8101 66
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