Stuttgart's mineral springs are still / NOR / not damaged.
here I think it important to NOT.
because it would get this far, if S21 is built. Furthermore
have been fighting teenagers and pensioners.
On Black Thursday, as in Börger war.
And trees have been felled illegally.
known, and proven fact.
But the worst is to S21 now that it has destroyed the civil peace
. If all
Legetim or Legal would have run, had the situation been rocking never does.
S21, democracy has been effectively destroyed as It is the project value.
Stuttgart21 must already been voted out so to save democracy.
election day is payday Mahltag.
For democracy dies last. We
the CDU and FDP in the stomping ground of irrelevance.
rescue and we get democracy in which we choose correctly. Dear
the Republicans than the VETTERLESWIRTSCHAFT.
We select spring and not the fifth season.
The Political fools.
Mappus has to resign.
CDU has to resign. Republicans choose
is announced.
reflection instead of the madness is coming. Again four years
CDU will destroy democracy throughout Germany.
on permanent and that is unacceptable.
But I have no desire to step back.
on cleavage and the Weimar Republic.
I want to look ahead and select why Republicans.
And every German with brains should do the same to me.
Selects with heart and mind.
But not the rundown Loser.
The country is clamoring for renewal. After
future and life.
Strengthens the Republicans and Christians as well as German.
but not the dwarfs represent the black thoughts and realize.
dark ........... I
"abe" tired of political night and darkness.
I want light, life and the live.
stay up and I will not see my future buried.
Zummindesten not during his lifetime.
why or will I want to prevent S21.
because it's not just my ass / butt but also yours.
is why it is needed to pull the ripcord. On March 27
must choose Germany.
because we are ahead of us. And where
We know what right and better.
you drawn to warm.
payday is the day where we remember and correctly choose.
have because if someone asks us what you on Mar 27, 2011 done right,
-then you know that your the cross at the wrong place.
the polling station.
For only where it says Republicans, is also democracy there.
Watch the leaflets of the Republicans an/das Wahlprogramm/und Ihr wisst was drinsteckt.
Power,Gradliniegkeit und Überzeugung.
Wählen Wir mutig-wählen Wir richtig.
Verschenken Wir nicht Unsere Stimme an Splitterparteien.
CDU;FDP;SPD und Grüne haben verloren.Und die anderen.
Denn Wir haben Werte, die größer sind als Makulatur.
Wir sind Deutschland.
Und nicht Grüne Zwerge.
Oder Schwarze Antichristen.
Wir sind anders und besser.
Wir sind die Bürger mit Kopf und Herz.
Wir glauben an die beste Sache...............................
Und dafür setzen Wir uns ein.
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