Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Is Perrier Water Bad?

Unumwerfbar - der garantierte Weg zurück.

in 6 weeks in the balance.

You work longer and longer, and still is the stack on the desk is not just smaller. But that would not be so bad if there were just more successful experiences. Bald kommt es zu Merkschwächen und einer schlechten Konzentrationsfähigkeit, man wird zynisch, teilweise sogar aggressiv, Schlafstörungen und Erschöpfung sind die Folge.

Manchmal kommt es sogar noch schlimmer: Panikattacken überfallen einen, jedes Telefonläuten wird zu einer massiven Belastung, jede neue E-Mail-Nachricht ist ein weiterer Angriff. Depression, Angst und Hoffnungslosigkeit dominieren das Leben und treiben in die Isolation.

Aber es gibt den garantierten Weg zurück! Und Sie können wieder stark und unumwerfbar wie in Ihren besten Jahren werden! Dr. Ursula Grohs – Entwicklerin der weltweit erfolgreichsten Rauchstopp-Methode – vermittelt in diesem revolutionären Book your method of Psychodynamic Model Training (PDM ®) that allows you within 6 weeks are once again focusing on balance.

Dr. Ursula Grohs was born 1958 in Graz and received his doctorate at the city's Karl-Franzens University. She is a psychologist and individual psychological health analyst and made famous by the behavioral instructions for Psychodynamic Model Training ® PDM, causes the change in behavior. The resulting developed prevention programs lead to burnout, addiction or eating disorders to cure. Of which was derived from the world's most successful smoking cessation program. Ursula Grohs treated patients with burn-out in 20 years.

Heike Kossdorff is a journalist and author based in Vienna. She has worked for "NEWS", "format", Ö3, the Johannes B. Kerner Show, and the "Viennese" and has since 2008 worked as a freelance editor with a focus on health and medicine. She is co-author of several successful titles, including "side effects smoke-free" and "The great allergy book."

Unumwerfbar. In 6 weeks in the balance.
288 pages, Format: 15 x 21.5, hardcover
Price: EUR 19,95 (A / D), CHF 30.50
ISBN: 978-3-7110-0007-1
http: / / www.ecowin.at/Unumwerfbar.347.98.html


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