Sunday, March 6, 2011

Chemo Low Temperature

memorial or monument.

Jedesmal/wie gestern/wenn ich an der neuen Bücherei/Bücherknast vorbeifahre,
denke ich immer wie doch Stuttgart gesegnet ist, mit so einem OB.Schuster.
In Wirklichkeit ist Er kein Bürgermeister sondern eher ein Billi Baumeister.
Er hat den Beruf verfehlt.Seine geschmacklichen Verirrungen bei Neubauten
ist aber bei der Umsetzung Relativ berechenbar.
Ausser Würfel bringt Er nicht viel mehr auf die Reihe.
Siehe Kunstmuseum.
Und ich glaube, We had kids with Lego bricks, you would have more exciting designs
abgeliefert.Auch Color.
But maybe I am doing wrong and do not recognize the suffering which mostly
politicians under a common disease.
disease is called hubris.
politicians believe we can all do better.
idea to have more than the common people. See
Mappus: The
probably believes that he has the stuff to the Emperor. Or has the
gutti of Guttenberg, who denies to this day the KT He shot a buck.
It was not his misconduct brought him down, but the common
press or other media.
The mob and the mob.
Weil Wir Ihm nichtmal/nicht diese scheinheilige,theatralische Rücktrittsrede abnahmen.

Ich frage mich immer was hat Sich bei diesen Personen im Schädel nur abgespielt, das Sie die Bodenhaftung so verloren haben.
Irgenwelche mir unbekannte Botenstoffe müßen sich wohl bei denn an den Synaspsen abgesetzt haben.
Oder Es ist politische Inzucht in den Parteien, die seid Jahrzehnten regieren.
Irgendwie kommt nach einem zurückgetretenen Politiker erneut ein Ableger vom Vorgänger.
Nur halt noch viel degenerierter.
Auf Öetti folgt Mappus.
Was folgt dann auf Mappus.???

(Stop:Ich mache ein Denkfehler-nach Mappus folgt natürlich niemand mehr-wenn Er sich an prevent the power but we have festbeisst.Das in hand.)

The Internet and the election with the cross in place, our leverage is the risk of Mappus starting to be avoided.
A nation looks to the future and prevents the first time in the history of Germany, a new dictatorship before.
course, the CDU rumreissen the helm and even manipulate your own CDU voters.
It threatens the Red Communists or the Greens risk.
with stagnation and decline.

But this is a cheap bluff.
The SPD, Guen and left no will split the power.
also no longer the CDU and FDP.
Or the CDU and the Greens.

The laughing third are Republicans.
The contact point for frustrated conservatives CDU voters. Or
for former Green voters who no longer trust the Tofubraten.

Even if the CDU and the Greens at election, voters think of your community to be taken / continue to surf on the wave of success.
But in reality is quite different.

No party can look into the minds of voters.
Even if the surveys can be interpreted either way.

CDU = 40% = 25%

Green SPD = 30% = 8%

election day is payday.
because thoughts are free and can never be included be.
The country has already decided long ago.

Many choose the first time the Republicans.
And that's good.
Political Spring Awakening is announced.
look out the window and enjoying the sun.
For cloudless sky.
And next week will increase the political temperature on 20Crad plus XXL.

And the three snowmen of the CDU, SPD and Greens thaw in the sun.
Steffan Mappus will melt away as Emperor.
Nils Schmid boy.
Wienfrid Kretschmann as an older vintage.

And on 27.3.2011 will remain as three of only three large puddles.

And the laughing third are Republicans, and we choose.
We set there, the cross, where the lies are not parties.
We set the cross to where the future is.
Unspoiled, powerful and honest.
sustainability and foresight.
Let us reflect.


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