Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Who Do You Hide You Caller Id In Canada


claim for any reason, but firefighters time and again that FM (SB) only use obscure abbreviations. That seems strange and unfair. What is difficult in our terminology? If

go in everyday and business RTW NEF with the KAF to PTür, while the lag of the HLF on the highway under a PA PKW nach VU mit dem SA löscht, dann ist doch wohl völlig klar was gemeint ist. Und auch wenn gleichzeitig auf dieser EST der ELW zusammen mit der POL über 4m dann noch den RTH einweist, nachdem er zunächst das 24/50 über die LST nachgefordert hat, während die DLK mit dem KBM ohne SOSI zur Pdzs ausrückt, dann kann auch dies doch wohl kaum zu Verständnisproblemen führen. (Währenddessen dosiert übrigens auf der BAB der MA dem SA noch 1,5% MBS zu, damit das aus dem HSR abgegebene H2O auch wirkt.) Übrigens sind inzwischen RTW und NEF im Status 4, NA, RS und RA begeben sich schon mal mit Koffern, DEFI und O2 in das zweite OG, während das KAF noch den über FME vorab informierten B-Dienst einsammelt, because it could be, according to recent information on wire and a PsychKG. That is why the RD and we get (better safe than sorry) the LMAA syringe clear ...

I do not really why some people always claim to be excluded from conversations, just because two FA maintain even short professional exchange ...

Who Do You Hide You Caller Id In Canada


claim for any reason, but firefighters time and again that FM (SB) only use obscure abbreviations. That seems strange and unfair. What is difficult in our terminology? If

go in everyday and business RTW NEF with the KAF to PTür, while the lag of the HLF on the highway under a PA PKW nach VU mit dem SA löscht, dann ist doch wohl völlig klar was gemeint ist. Und auch wenn gleichzeitig auf dieser EST der ELW zusammen mit der POL über 4m dann noch den RTH einweist, nachdem er zunächst das 24/50 über die LST nachgefordert hat, während die DLK mit dem KBM ohne SOSI zur Pdzs ausrückt, dann kann auch dies doch wohl kaum zu Verständnisproblemen führen. (Währenddessen dosiert übrigens auf der BAB der MA dem SA noch 1,5% MBS zu, damit das aus dem HSR abgegebene H2O auch wirkt.) Übrigens sind inzwischen RTW und NEF im Status 4, NA, RS und RA begeben sich schon mal mit Koffern, DEFI und O2 in das zweite OG, während das KAF noch den über FME vorab informierten B-Dienst einsammelt, because it could be, according to recent information on wire and a PsychKG. That is why the RD and we get (better safe than sorry) the LMAA syringe clear ...

I do not really why some people always claim to be excluded from conversations, just because two FA maintain even short professional exchange ...

How To Shine Boots With Kiwi

;-) My second time

My first use of fire was a major fire. The flames were so high from the roof of the sausage factory that the photos of the fire object hanging still in the "trophy wall" of some fire brigades of the circle. But I think you will not care any more.

On my second fire use, however, I still think very often ...
against a clock at night we were back then alerted to a house fire on the first floor and roof. As a "newbie" I first helped to set up the ladder for the assault squad and was then ordered to provide to our vehicle. There, I made the first of two important lessons that night:
With a little more time looking around I noticed that the house decorated for a silver wedding was and was told that unattended cooking food that had been prepared for the festival next week had caused the fire. The family was helpless in front of the house and watched what was happening around them. When I saw the young woman in my age, very quiet on the flames looked, while the tears ran down her face, I would have liked to help somehow. But then I just did not like.
One thing was thus very dramatically aware, our intervention may indeed be a rule change to something positive, but "fire technical craftsmanship" is actually not sufficient. If we want to fulfill our tasks really well, we must also respond to the people in their crisis situations.
Many missions later, I knew then that it often does not take much to those concerned a little guidance in their situation, perhaps even to give some comfort: go to the person concerned and ask how they are doing, listen carefully, take them seriously and explain our actions as soon as it is some time, usually already makes all the difference.
When I talk with people today use a job, I know that they are in a very exceptional situation. They are afraid, angry, do not know how it will go on and often do not even know where they will sleep that night.
I try to explain what we do and why and how people can not still go back to her apartment. And I take the occasional anger personally, because I know they are not eventually addressed to me.
In addition, I try to find non-bureaucratic solutions to the problems I can solve. A seat in a warm fire engine, a blanket and a contact person during the waiting time for us to actually organize any problems, but to help those affected tremendously. I can also recall no case in which were not accepted for our "customers" burdensome security measures that were previously perceived as an additional "senseless harassment", for a friendly and reasonable explanation.

All this I have finally learned by this young woman from her burning house, which I have never spoken.

The damping-we noticed that one of our breathing troops had escaped a hair's breadth of a fall from 6 meters. A little later we noticed that a bedroom had been cut behind a paneled wall in that the door panel board from the outside could hardly notice. Unconscious person in the room could see our troops in the smoky basement never on time. This was my second lesson that night: the technology, training and experience, but give very much security, but sometimes can still replace a guardian angel.

How To Shine Boots With Kiwi

;-) My second time

My first use of fire was a major fire. The flames were so high from the roof of the sausage factory that the photos of the fire object hanging still in the "trophy wall" of some fire brigades of the circle. But I think you will not care any more.

On my second fire use, however, I still think very often ...
against a clock at night we were back then alerted to a house fire on the first floor and roof. As a "newbie" I first helped to set up the ladder for the assault squad and was then ordered to provide to our vehicle. There, I made the first of two important lessons that night:
With a little more time looking around I noticed that the house decorated for a silver wedding was and was told that unattended cooking food that had been prepared for the festival next week had caused the fire. The family was helpless in front of the house and watched what was happening around them. When I saw the young woman in my age, very quiet on the flames looked, while the tears ran down her face, I would have liked to help somehow. But then I just did not like.
One thing was thus very dramatically aware, our intervention may indeed be a rule change to something positive, but "fire technical craftsmanship" is actually not sufficient. If we want to fulfill our tasks really well, we must also respond to the people in their crisis situations.
Many missions later, I knew then that it often does not take much to those concerned a little guidance in their situation, perhaps even to give some comfort: go to the person concerned and ask how they are doing, listen carefully, take them seriously and explain our actions as soon as it is some time, usually already makes all the difference.
When I talk with people today use a job, I know that they are in a very exceptional situation. They are afraid, angry, do not know how it will go on and often do not even know where they will sleep that night.
I try to explain what we do and why and how people can not still go back to her apartment. And I take the occasional anger personally, because I know they are not eventually addressed to me.
In addition, I try to find non-bureaucratic solutions to the problems I can solve. A seat in a warm fire engine, a blanket and a contact person during the waiting time for us to actually organize any problems, but to help those affected tremendously. I can also recall no case in which were not accepted for our "customers" burdensome security measures that were previously perceived as an additional "senseless harassment", for a friendly and reasonable explanation.

All this I have finally learned by this young woman from her burning house, which I have never spoken.

The damping-we noticed that one of our breathing troops had escaped a hair's breadth of a fall from 6 meters. A little later we noticed that a bedroom had been cut behind a paneled wall in that the door panel board from the outside could hardly notice. Unconscious person in the room could see our troops in the smoky basement never on time. This was my second lesson that night: the technology, training and experience, but give very much security, but sometimes can still replace a guardian angel.

Does Vegeta Ever Say Goku

Why a little fire knowledge is useful-a real little story - ABCL

Last summer I received a call from a colleague (caretaker) via mobile phone: "You, I stand at our field office Z. A discarded cigarette smolders and burns of the newly poured peat in the beautiful grounds out so easily in front of him. We have already poured a few buckets of water on it, is it only briefly and then goes after a couple of minutes to "

My answer:" Have you ever given up liquid in the water "

colleague:" Whaaat "

My response:" Again Q: Have you already tried water and mild detergent "

Caller:"? Ähhm want you pulling my leg "

My answer:" Forget es, ich bin eh in der Nähe und in fünf Minuten da, kippt halt noch ein paar Eimer Wasser drauf...“

Nach meinem Eintreffen fügte ich dann den nächsten drei Wassereimern einen kräftigen Schuß Spülmittel hinzu. Was wohl keinen Feuerwehrangehörigen überraschen wird- das Wasser perlte nun nicht mehr auf Grund seiner Oberflächenspannung vom Torf ab, sondern drang in ihn ein und löschte das „Feuer“ endgültig.

Fassungsloses Staunen der Umgebung und die nächsten drei Monate keine blöden Sprüche der Kollegen mehr, wenn ich mal wieder nach gewissen Piepsgeräuschen kurzfristig meine Tagesplanung revidierte.

Ein schöner Tag... :-)))

Does Vegeta Ever Say Goku

Why a little fire knowledge is useful-a real little story - ABCL

Last summer I received a call from a colleague (caretaker) via mobile phone: "You, I stand at our field office Z. A discarded cigarette smolders and burns of the newly poured peat in the beautiful grounds out so easily in front of him. We have already poured a few buckets of water on it, is it only briefly and then goes after a couple of minutes to "

My answer:" Have you ever given up liquid in the water "

colleague:" Whaaat "

My response:" Again Q: Have you already tried water and mild detergent "

Caller:"? Ähhm want you pulling my leg "

My answer:" Forget es, ich bin eh in der Nähe und in fünf Minuten da, kippt halt noch ein paar Eimer Wasser drauf...“

Nach meinem Eintreffen fügte ich dann den nächsten drei Wassereimern einen kräftigen Schuß Spülmittel hinzu. Was wohl keinen Feuerwehrangehörigen überraschen wird- das Wasser perlte nun nicht mehr auf Grund seiner Oberflächenspannung vom Torf ab, sondern drang in ihn ein und löschte das „Feuer“ endgültig.

Fassungsloses Staunen der Umgebung und die nächsten drei Monate keine blöden Sprüche der Kollegen mehr, wenn ich mal wieder nach gewissen Piepsgeräuschen kurzfristig meine Tagesplanung revidierte.

Ein schöner Tag... :-)))

Who Does This Insurance Take Beechstreet

If different than other people?

Note: This article was written
Easter 2002, 2001, in the heydays of anthrax missions.

Saturday before Easter when shopping in Walmart, shopping carts filled to ¾ of the plan, when suddenly heard an announcement. "1000, 1000, 1000" and so on. Wait a minute: I was but someone told quite credible that the major in another department store that number code to the announcement information for staff is that done in a minute, the main evacuation?

Where am I now? U.S. shopping mall, the store next to the headquarters for Germany in Wuppertal-stop probability thus So rather mediocre.
there been attacks in Germany? For years, since Germany in global terms is not particularly important.

The supermarket is full of people, fire protection is ok, including a sprinkler system.

So (carefully lives longer) first stumbling cart parked safely and even put me next to the nearest emergency exit.

Meanwhile, the abrattern the checklist in the brain:
a look): no persons in a striking dress green, bamboo, dark blue, orange
b) no fire, smoke, strange dust, upsetting people, triggered sprinklers, other announcements
c) do not panic observed in personnel or customer
d) a concise self-Symptom Check: No funny smells, breathing and circulation OK, no runny nose, no vision problems, anxiety, brain seems to work good.
e) the presence of PSA: of course not (except perhaps a particulate filter in the vacuum cleaner bags department but which assassin would have used B-Krams, if another is much easier)
f) Other: fire extinguishers, but use is not yet required Behelfsdekontamination with Danclorix in the sanitation department also possible, but fortunately so far not required.

first during which secondary thought: Erkundung und Bewertung zwar etwas miteinander vermischt, aber immerhin ;-)

Nach 3 Minuten immer noch kein Evakuierungsaufruf, also weiter mit Plan B: Einkaufswagen weiter voll machen und in Richtung Kasse schieben, sonst Hunger über Ostern- auch blöd...

Zweiter Nebengedanke: Entschluss auch abgearbeitet 

Drittens: Abschlussgedanke: Kann es sein das ABC`ler ein kleines bisschen anders sind als andere?

Neeeeiiiiiin, ganz bestimmt nicht, die Gedankenkette hatten bestimmt alle 600 anderen Personen im Supermarkt auch!

Trotzdem schlimm, dass wir beginnen müssen solcherlei Gedanken in unser fachliches Analysedenken mit aufzunehmen.

Schöne undisturbed Easter!

Who Does This Insurance Take Beechstreet

If different than other people?

Note: This article was written
Easter 2002, 2001, in the heydays of anthrax missions.

Saturday before Easter when shopping in Walmart, shopping carts filled to ¾ of the plan, when suddenly heard an announcement. "1000, 1000, 1000" and so on. Wait a minute: I was but someone told quite credible that the major in another department store that number code to the announcement information for staff is that done in a minute, the main evacuation?

Where am I now? U.S. shopping mall, the store next to the headquarters for Germany in Wuppertal-stop probability thus So rather mediocre.
there been attacks in Germany? For years, since Germany in global terms is not particularly important.

The supermarket is full of people, fire protection is ok, including a sprinkler system.

So (carefully lives longer) first stumbling cart parked safely and even put me next to the nearest emergency exit.

Meanwhile, the abrattern the checklist in the brain:
a look): no persons in a striking dress green, bamboo, dark blue, orange
b) no fire, smoke, strange dust, upsetting people, triggered sprinklers, other announcements
c) do not panic observed in personnel or customer
d) a concise self-Symptom Check: No funny smells, breathing and circulation OK, no runny nose, no vision problems, anxiety, brain seems to work good.
e) the presence of PSA: of course not (except perhaps a particulate filter in the vacuum cleaner bags department but which assassin would have used B-Krams, if another is much easier)
f) Other: fire extinguishers, but use is not yet required Behelfsdekontamination with Danclorix in the sanitation department also possible, but fortunately so far not required.

first during which secondary thought: Erkundung und Bewertung zwar etwas miteinander vermischt, aber immerhin ;-)

Nach 3 Minuten immer noch kein Evakuierungsaufruf, also weiter mit Plan B: Einkaufswagen weiter voll machen und in Richtung Kasse schieben, sonst Hunger über Ostern- auch blöd...

Zweiter Nebengedanke: Entschluss auch abgearbeitet 

Drittens: Abschlussgedanke: Kann es sein das ABC`ler ein kleines bisschen anders sind als andere?

Neeeeiiiiiin, ganz bestimmt nicht, die Gedankenkette hatten bestimmt alle 600 anderen Personen im Supermarkt auch!

Trotzdem schlimm, dass wir beginnen müssen solcherlei Gedanken in unser fachliches Analysedenken mit aufzunehmen.

Schöne undisturbed Easter!

An Example Of Card Stacking

Open Letter

accidents happen every day.
day after day trying to help many people when help is needed.
day after day the media report about it.
times these helpers heroic savior, then again ... but that is another issue.

These helpers come from various aid agencies to help citizens come to the rescue in an emergency. Fire departments, emergency services, Emergency and many others who really only noticeable when you need them and they are not in two seconds on the spot.

why some countries even donate medals to "honor" your helper.

Dazu möchte ich mich mit meiner Meinung äußern.

Ich bin (inzwischen seit über zehn Jahren) Feuerwehrmann, weil ich gerne helfe, gerne mit Technik umgehe, gerne mit Gleichgesinnten zusammen bin. Ich erfreue mich nicht an anderer Menschen Leid, und ich zünde auch nichts an, wenn es mal länger nicht gebrannt hat.

Ich freue mich sehr, wenn mal nichts passiert, mal niemand in Not ist, mal niemand Schmerzen hat, niemand leiden muß.

Ich freue mich etwas weniger,
wenn ich wenigstens einem Menschen oder Tier in einer Notlage helfen kann,
und zwar so gut wie es nur eben machbar ist.

Sollte allerdings in nächster Zeit jemand auf mich zutreten press and me seriously "honorary" a tin badge in his hand, then I will not be happy.
I will annoy me.

Because I for my engagement expect something quite different.
I want to get healthy after each use back home. I do not want to lose my job because I am driven to use this to help someone. And I hope this is true for all my other comrades.

I find that this is not too much is expected.

Nevertheless, there are still many firefighters who go without enough to be protected in a fire. They go into a fire zone in which temperatures reign of several hundred degrees, and it should wear a pants, which is no thicker than a standard pair of jeans. Great idea. Many times the firefighters burned so the legs, and it happened again and again. However, only hurt those who really go into the fire and there will try to save people. Not those who make this decision a few euros at the expense of other people to save life and health. And this seems to be obviously legal.

Nevertheless, there are still emergency service members who are often several times a week free from traffic accidents bleeding trapped persons and provide. And that still does not free vaccinations against common Infectious diseases was offered by their community.

Nevertheless, there are still workers who know that no one else comes to help, if they do not interrupt their work and they often make life and death decision support. They also know that no one for them and their family to help, so if they lose then eventually after many inserts their work. They usually help until they indicated by the employers discretion, that there are many reasons and ways to dismiss a "recalcitrant" employees. And they have to any party never a good conscience: family, friends, victims, comrades. There is virtually no solution in which no one loses out. Even so, the communities that get used, no talks with the workers and most do not even think about new solutions.

The sentence: "Do nothing good happens, you no harm" seems to me more and more truth in this context to obtain.

why I'm annoyed.
As with most of my comrades (representing only called by the German fire brigade about a million, which together ensure that this is all a matter of seconds and minutes using the site) I am not interested in ideological distinctions. I am interested in professional zu helfen und TROTZ meines Ehrenamtes gesund und (sozial) sicher leben zu können.

Ich bitte alle Menschen, die darauf Einfluß nehmen können, es auch zu tun.
Die Politiker um ihr verantwortungsvolles und zukunftsbewußtes Handeln,
die Arbeitgeber um Verständnis und Bereitschaft zum Dialog,
die Bürger um eine bißchen mehr Aufmerksamkeit für ihre Nachbarn,
damit aus kleinen Problemen keine echten Notfälle werden. Für Niemanden.

Und wenn Sie noch mehr tun möchten, dann gehen sie mal bei Ihrer Feuerwehr oder einer anderen Hilfsorganisation, die ihnen liegt, vorbei und sehen sie sich mal um…vielleicht wollen sie dann ja auch dort mithelfen.

Ich bitte nicht nur deshalb um Verständnis, weil den Helfern zumindest keine Nachteile aus ihrer Hilfeleistung erwachsen sollten.
Sondern auch, damit es in zwei, fünf oder zehn Jahren, wenn sie oder ein Mensch, der Ihnen nahe steht, in Lebensgefahr gerät, immer noch andere Menschen geben kann, die zu Hilfe kommen.

Danke für ihre Aufmerksamkeit.

Ein Helfer.

An Example Of Card Stacking

Open Letter

accidents happen every day.
day after day trying to help many people when help is needed.
day after day the media report about it.
times these helpers heroic savior, then again ... but that is another issue.

These helpers come from various aid agencies to help citizens come to the rescue in an emergency. Fire departments, emergency services, Emergency and many others who really only noticeable when you need them and they are not in two seconds on the spot.

why some countries even donate medals to "honor" your helper.

Dazu möchte ich mich mit meiner Meinung äußern.

Ich bin (inzwischen seit über zehn Jahren) Feuerwehrmann, weil ich gerne helfe, gerne mit Technik umgehe, gerne mit Gleichgesinnten zusammen bin. Ich erfreue mich nicht an anderer Menschen Leid, und ich zünde auch nichts an, wenn es mal länger nicht gebrannt hat.

Ich freue mich sehr, wenn mal nichts passiert, mal niemand in Not ist, mal niemand Schmerzen hat, niemand leiden muß.

Ich freue mich etwas weniger,
wenn ich wenigstens einem Menschen oder Tier in einer Notlage helfen kann,
und zwar so gut wie es nur eben machbar ist.

Sollte allerdings in nächster Zeit jemand auf mich zutreten press and me seriously "honorary" a tin badge in his hand, then I will not be happy.
I will annoy me.

Because I for my engagement expect something quite different.
I want to get healthy after each use back home. I do not want to lose my job because I am driven to use this to help someone. And I hope this is true for all my other comrades.

I find that this is not too much is expected.

Nevertheless, there are still many firefighters who go without enough to be protected in a fire. They go into a fire zone in which temperatures reign of several hundred degrees, and it should wear a pants, which is no thicker than a standard pair of jeans. Great idea. Many times the firefighters burned so the legs, and it happened again and again. However, only hurt those who really go into the fire and there will try to save people. Not those who make this decision a few euros at the expense of other people to save life and health. And this seems to be obviously legal.

Nevertheless, there are still emergency service members who are often several times a week free from traffic accidents bleeding trapped persons and provide. And that still does not free vaccinations against common Infectious diseases was offered by their community.

Nevertheless, there are still workers who know that no one else comes to help, if they do not interrupt their work and they often make life and death decision support. They also know that no one for them and their family to help, so if they lose then eventually after many inserts their work. They usually help until they indicated by the employers discretion, that there are many reasons and ways to dismiss a "recalcitrant" employees. And they have to any party never a good conscience: family, friends, victims, comrades. There is virtually no solution in which no one loses out. Even so, the communities that get used, no talks with the workers and most do not even think about new solutions.

The sentence: "Do nothing good happens, you no harm" seems to me more and more truth in this context to obtain.

why I'm annoyed.
As with most of my comrades (representing only called by the German fire brigade about a million, which together ensure that this is all a matter of seconds and minutes using the site) I am not interested in ideological distinctions. I am interested in professional zu helfen und TROTZ meines Ehrenamtes gesund und (sozial) sicher leben zu können.

Ich bitte alle Menschen, die darauf Einfluß nehmen können, es auch zu tun.
Die Politiker um ihr verantwortungsvolles und zukunftsbewußtes Handeln,
die Arbeitgeber um Verständnis und Bereitschaft zum Dialog,
die Bürger um eine bißchen mehr Aufmerksamkeit für ihre Nachbarn,
damit aus kleinen Problemen keine echten Notfälle werden. Für Niemanden.

Und wenn Sie noch mehr tun möchten, dann gehen sie mal bei Ihrer Feuerwehr oder einer anderen Hilfsorganisation, die ihnen liegt, vorbei und sehen sie sich mal um…vielleicht wollen sie dann ja auch dort mithelfen.

Ich bitte nicht nur deshalb um Verständnis, weil den Helfern zumindest keine Nachteile aus ihrer Hilfeleistung erwachsen sollten.
Sondern auch, damit es in zwei, fünf oder zehn Jahren, wenn sie oder ein Mensch, der Ihnen nahe steht, in Lebensgefahr gerät, immer noch andere Menschen geben kann, die zu Hilfe kommen.

Danke für ihre Aufmerksamkeit.

Ein Helfer.

Two Girdles Padlocked

Is there really more than a charity?

Solange ich in der Feuerwehr bin, rätsele ich darüber ob es einen gewissen Unterschied Zwischen Feuerwehr, Polizei, THW und Rettungsdiensten, zwischen Hauptberuflichen und ehrenamtlichen Einsatzkräften nun gibt oder nicht:

Denn manchmal werde ich als gleichwertiger Partner accepted, all at the site are a team in which each brings its strengths, on the other watching and finally all together make the best use for success.

Then again to face skilled and competent workers in the area and disrupt the so-called and self-proclaimed experts do not, while the use not only just degenerate into a catastrophe.

Sun Tzu 2000 years ago had already observed that the one army wins a war that permeated all ranks of the same mind.
this spirit, I hope by all ranks of our army of helpers through.
Fire, Emergency and Rescue, BF and FF, men and women, young and old, artisans or workers head for each other can be both mutual
Perfect additions or insurmountable and irreconcilable enemies.

My recipe for cooperation is not difficult or new:

first Talking, talking, listening to each other to ask. Until we know each other's strengths and weaknesses, "have become familiar" us.

second For each search, the more difficult task relevant expertise, they are free to keep your back, support them, learn from them, assess their competence and performance.

third Errors are caught in the team analyzed and findings implemented it; relying on just the fault of a single team member is a missed opportunity for learning fun for the whole team.

4th Missions follow up, evaluate, implement. There is no better way for a leadership role to strengthen the confidence of his team, as he explained when all application participants in a debriefing as to why their particular application task was important. If the leadership team in addition to the findings and suggestions for improvement and these can be asked again included in the training, then already the loop of continuous improvement is ongoing.

5th Confidence, praise used and sense of accomplishment and the feeling of being really are not a substitute for money or simply silly honorary awards. do

If we carry our traditional claim of fast, professional and human
help your neighbor in acute need not only a flag, but also implement and live, then cooperation is our way there.

And if not, then unfortunately we are in a totally false charity.

Two Girdles Padlocked

Is there really more than a charity?

Solange ich in der Feuerwehr bin, rätsele ich darüber ob es einen gewissen Unterschied Zwischen Feuerwehr, Polizei, THW und Rettungsdiensten, zwischen Hauptberuflichen und ehrenamtlichen Einsatzkräften nun gibt oder nicht:

Denn manchmal werde ich als gleichwertiger Partner accepted, all at the site are a team in which each brings its strengths, on the other watching and finally all together make the best use for success.

Then again to face skilled and competent workers in the area and disrupt the so-called and self-proclaimed experts do not, while the use not only just degenerate into a catastrophe.

Sun Tzu 2000 years ago had already observed that the one army wins a war that permeated all ranks of the same mind.
this spirit, I hope by all ranks of our army of helpers through.
Fire, Emergency and Rescue, BF and FF, men and women, young and old, artisans or workers head for each other can be both mutual
Perfect additions or insurmountable and irreconcilable enemies.

My recipe for cooperation is not difficult or new:

first Talking, talking, listening to each other to ask. Until we know each other's strengths and weaknesses, "have become familiar" us.

second For each search, the more difficult task relevant expertise, they are free to keep your back, support them, learn from them, assess their competence and performance.

third Errors are caught in the team analyzed and findings implemented it; relying on just the fault of a single team member is a missed opportunity for learning fun for the whole team.

4th Missions follow up, evaluate, implement. There is no better way for a leadership role to strengthen the confidence of his team, as he explained when all application participants in a debriefing as to why their particular application task was important. If the leadership team in addition to the findings and suggestions for improvement and these can be asked again included in the training, then already the loop of continuous improvement is ongoing.

5th Confidence, praise used and sense of accomplishment and the feeling of being really are not a substitute for money or simply silly honorary awards. do

If we carry our traditional claim of fast, professional and human
help your neighbor in acute need not only a flag, but also implement and live, then cooperation is our way there.

And if not, then unfortunately we are in a totally false charity.

Online Kundli Generator

Why I am with the fire department? Start

First of all I want, if I answer this question, correct some mistakes Standard:

No, I wanted to not always be fire since I was three days old and even a fire truck heard passing by and I thought so: This is my idol ...

I am also not joined the fire department at that time because I have seen Backdraft, and will also make such cool giant fire.

And finally, I am not really a hero of everyday life, as crazy useful contributions to our society be paid citizens and so on.

Why I really do? Because it feels good and right.
I like helping. And I'm interested in technology and enjoy solving technical problems. So I feel really in the fire service there, I can work with devices I have in my normal "civilian life" not so fast in the Fingers would get. I'm learning as functioning funk, how I use it most effectively, it was waiting and where their boundaries lie.

Then there's this perfection: When I joined before now 10, also over years in the fire department, gave me an experienced engineer (driver and equipment operator) taught how to examine a few minutes a complete fire engine on its operational readiness. Gradually, I learned more and more about the various devices, including their maintenance. For example, how to rub the metal fittings of a wooden ladder with the breath of oil, which protects against rust, which locks into place perfectly and can still be a secure grip without slipping possible. How to 30-meter line so packed in cloth bag that she runs best when you need them and at the same time when packing even the checks, how must it be if one day a man and therefore it could also hang a life. And much, much more ...
is still there are times that I go Rummele dead tired before me when I after hours of use, as does my fellow colleagues have not yet under the shower and in my bed come, but yet another one or two hours the equipment wash new vehicles and display fittings. I ask myself for probably a thousand times the most, why checker plate is installed in vehicle interiors, although it is How to clean ... can. But there is also no presses, our device is then quickly back in the exact condition in which it allows for fast, safe and as efficient as it can be, before the door falls to the police station behind us. Also this is the feeling of work well, which I do not want to miss.

Improvisation is the closest Keywords:
It is always a new challenge, a problem not seen before. This is just so high-tech in our environment. We may have to always be seen, that we with our knowledge and the phone we have (and it's really not infinite, even if at first View of a fire engine often looks like this-) somehow solve the problem, facing us.
An example: most fire engines carry a so-called scaling ladder with it, four approximately 2.70 m long items that can be assembled to a ladder in the required length. Off the cuff, I know that I the four ladder sections as a double ladder in two different lengths with an improvised crank the channel rescue when climbing on steep slopes, as Eisrettungsschlitten as makeshift bridges over narrow streams, as a slip plane for rappelling a stretcher, together with a rope and a tarp as a temporary safe haven as Holder for a rain canopy and a view protection plan, as 4 and as a bridge over a Behelfstragen cheldrahtzaun Sta-use can. And guarantees will be used in any upcoming invented by some colleagues a new use. This targeted-improvise te tinkering, solve problems I always find an incredibly fascinating alternating task. Incidentally, in this discipline, women are often even more imaginative than men because they think most single-minded in that they can improve on conventional solutions, "beidenken before".

cooperation is also very important for me: if two firefighters clear a house on fire, then can do so only because they are part of the skilled team: The squad is secure with breathing apparatus on his back ready to ih-NEN to help right away if they get into trouble. Other teams take care of hoses, set up ladders or prepare other equipment. The engineer operates the pump and provides enough water in the fire hose, the group leader shall continuously assess the operational situation, thus ensuring safety and quick and efficient operation.
Depending on risk at the site are also ideal for ambulance and emergency medical care and quick care of injured at the site ready. Special operations require in their dealing with hazardous substances or prescription measuring and washing stations. Every fire department members must therefore perform a specific task so that the entire operation works. At the same time attempted to accommodate each of the different tasks to perform, to respond to a change in the insert position optimum performance and evaluate all currently given to hazards. Interestingly, this cooperation seems to be the knowledge of the individual not only to decode ad, but rather to multiply. The course requires a lot of confidence and a lot of practice: But it is always worthwhile, because if I know what you think my colleague, I must not talk long with him and help him to pull together. The better it works, the better bets processed, the more efficiently we can help also. And each of us-or non-member fire department knows that it's a good feeling to always have a good job and a droning even better, have helped so even someone who just needed help urgently.

course there are things that bother me sometimes in the fire, and three of them I would like to represent the honesty and concern sake here also like:

1) The firefighter concrete skull or "We do it that way because we already have done it that way "... As in many other areas, there are also cases in Fire brigade, from time to innovations that have proved themselves and make operations easier and safer life. There are open-minded and negative attitudes, to deal with such (sinnvollen!) new techniques, etc.. Corresponding to a known bias that is just not related to age and I are professional firefighting colleagues, the learn half a year before the pension is still eager to everything new. as well as those encountered by 25 years and after my less than five years, firefighters practice to know everything. Meanwhile, I see such a belief work as a challenge. Comparison experiments or gut-ter a preliminary, factual instruction can sometimes just change it a lot.

2) "Women can not physically do as much as men and are mentally not as strong. "Nowadays, those who seriously still represents such an opinion should reconsider my view urgently times if he might have a few complexes or fear of contact, as objectively about these theories probably nothing Durable to find. My delicate male colleagues of a meter fifty-five body-size requirements are not asked if they are too weak for the fire service are, so we can remove before. And if the person to be rescued in time-critical worst case containing hinunterge on the way to safety, the stair-grind, then that's maybe a little short-term unattractive for the consumer becoming saved, but a few bruises are not reversible death. (Besides: A 130 kg person I get alone in my 80-kg class and otherwise move when time is short.) For so-called mental capacity: In the health care remains predominantly feminine, and they bear there daily violent mental stress (such as care of coma or cancer patients) to an extent that I can only admire. Everyone has his personal calibration point, which is him "get out the fuse skin" times. But that is not dependent on gender, but from the personality-speed, processing and mechanisms of repression and the successful technical preparation unpleasant. talking with peers about what is torture healthy, macho and displacement, however, are often "use time bombs."

3) The two types of firefighters and community service ends at the fire department: It always comes back before that colleagues, who for years turned in the fire service are sen or which have their community service completed at the fire department, the fire-brigade simply say farewell. Finally, this is their right. In me, but then comes a little more on the feeling that they have failed to show them how they can draw satisfaction from this work and the importance of their activity. And I see quite a few years go whistle for training work, which now no longer in use, and fallow. But the way it is sometimes ...

For me, it remains one of the most rewarding and useful hobbies in the world.

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Why I am with the fire department? Start

First of all I want, if I answer this question, correct some mistakes Standard:

No, I wanted to not always be fire since I was three days old and even a fire truck heard passing by and I thought so: This is my idol ...

I am also not joined the fire department at that time because I have seen Backdraft, and will also make such cool giant fire.

And finally, I am not really a hero of everyday life, as crazy useful contributions to our society be paid citizens and so on.

Why I really do? Because it feels good and right.
I like helping. And I'm interested in technology and enjoy solving technical problems. So I feel really in the fire service there, I can work with devices I have in my normal "civilian life" not so fast in the Fingers would get. I'm learning as functioning funk, how I use it most effectively, it was waiting and where their boundaries lie.

Then there's this perfection: When I joined before now 10, also over years in the fire department, gave me an experienced engineer (driver and equipment operator) taught how to examine a few minutes a complete fire engine on its operational readiness. Gradually, I learned more and more about the various devices, including their maintenance. For example, how to rub the metal fittings of a wooden ladder with the breath of oil, which protects against rust, which locks into place perfectly and can still be a secure grip without slipping possible. How to 30-meter line so packed in cloth bag that she runs best when you need them and at the same time when packing even the checks, how must it be if one day a man and therefore it could also hang a life. And much, much more ...
is still there are times that I go Rummele dead tired before me when I after hours of use, as does my fellow colleagues have not yet under the shower and in my bed come, but yet another one or two hours the equipment wash new vehicles and display fittings. I ask myself for probably a thousand times the most, why checker plate is installed in vehicle interiors, although it is How to clean ... can. But there is also no presses, our device is then quickly back in the exact condition in which it allows for fast, safe and as efficient as it can be, before the door falls to the police station behind us. Also this is the feeling of work well, which I do not want to miss.

Improvisation is the closest Keywords:
It is always a new challenge, a problem not seen before. This is just so high-tech in our environment. We may have to always be seen, that we with our knowledge and the phone we have (and it's really not infinite, even if at first View of a fire engine often looks like this-) somehow solve the problem, facing us.
An example: most fire engines carry a so-called scaling ladder with it, four approximately 2.70 m long items that can be assembled to a ladder in the required length. Off the cuff, I know that I the four ladder sections as a double ladder in two different lengths with an improvised crank the channel rescue when climbing on steep slopes, as Eisrettungsschlitten as makeshift bridges over narrow streams, as a slip plane for rappelling a stretcher, together with a rope and a tarp as a temporary safe haven as Holder for a rain canopy and a view protection plan, as 4 and as a bridge over a Behelfstragen cheldrahtzaun Sta-use can. And guarantees will be used in any upcoming invented by some colleagues a new use. This targeted-improvise te tinkering, solve problems I always find an incredibly fascinating alternating task. Incidentally, in this discipline, women are often even more imaginative than men because they think most single-minded in that they can improve on conventional solutions, "beidenken before".

cooperation is also very important for me: if two firefighters clear a house on fire, then can do so only because they are part of the skilled team: The squad is secure with breathing apparatus on his back ready to ih-NEN to help right away if they get into trouble. Other teams take care of hoses, set up ladders or prepare other equipment. The engineer operates the pump and provides enough water in the fire hose, the group leader shall continuously assess the operational situation, thus ensuring safety and quick and efficient operation.
Depending on risk at the site are also ideal for ambulance and emergency medical care and quick care of injured at the site ready. Special operations require in their dealing with hazardous substances or prescription measuring and washing stations. Every fire department members must therefore perform a specific task so that the entire operation works. At the same time attempted to accommodate each of the different tasks to perform, to respond to a change in the insert position optimum performance and evaluate all currently given to hazards. Interestingly, this cooperation seems to be the knowledge of the individual not only to decode ad, but rather to multiply. The course requires a lot of confidence and a lot of practice: But it is always worthwhile, because if I know what you think my colleague, I must not talk long with him and help him to pull together. The better it works, the better bets processed, the more efficiently we can help also. And each of us-or non-member fire department knows that it's a good feeling to always have a good job and a droning even better, have helped so even someone who just needed help urgently.

course there are things that bother me sometimes in the fire, and three of them I would like to represent the honesty and concern sake here also like:

1) The firefighter concrete skull or "We do it that way because we already have done it that way "... As in many other areas, there are also cases in Fire brigade, from time to innovations that have proved themselves and make operations easier and safer life. There are open-minded and negative attitudes, to deal with such (sinnvollen!) new techniques, etc.. Corresponding to a known bias that is just not related to age and I are professional firefighting colleagues, the learn half a year before the pension is still eager to everything new. as well as those encountered by 25 years and after my less than five years, firefighters practice to know everything. Meanwhile, I see such a belief work as a challenge. Comparison experiments or gut-ter a preliminary, factual instruction can sometimes just change it a lot.

2) "Women can not physically do as much as men and are mentally not as strong. "Nowadays, those who seriously still represents such an opinion should reconsider my view urgently times if he might have a few complexes or fear of contact, as objectively about these theories probably nothing Durable to find. My delicate male colleagues of a meter fifty-five body-size requirements are not asked if they are too weak for the fire service are, so we can remove before. And if the person to be rescued in time-critical worst case containing hinunterge on the way to safety, the stair-grind, then that's maybe a little short-term unattractive for the consumer becoming saved, but a few bruises are not reversible death. (Besides: A 130 kg person I get alone in my 80-kg class and otherwise move when time is short.) For so-called mental capacity: In the health care remains predominantly feminine, and they bear there daily violent mental stress (such as care of coma or cancer patients) to an extent that I can only admire. Everyone has his personal calibration point, which is him "get out the fuse skin" times. But that is not dependent on gender, but from the personality-speed, processing and mechanisms of repression and the successful technical preparation unpleasant. talking with peers about what is torture healthy, macho and displacement, however, are often "use time bombs."

3) The two types of firefighters and community service ends at the fire department: It always comes back before that colleagues, who for years turned in the fire service are sen or which have their community service completed at the fire department, the fire-brigade simply say farewell. Finally, this is their right. In me, but then comes a little more on the feeling that they have failed to show them how they can draw satisfaction from this work and the importance of their activity. And I see quite a few years go whistle for training work, which now no longer in use, and fallow. But the way it is sometimes ...

For me, it remains one of the most rewarding and useful hobbies in the world.

Pokemon Emerald Gpshone Walk Through Walls

have now in my 13 years of fire from time to time I write about my hobby. Some people have read something like this and found it good.

why I do not trust me now for once and put the good things in the Internet successful.

so yes I may be seen in contact with others who have gone or who disagree and want to discuss with me.

I would be happy.

Oh My Leben besteht durchaus nicht nur aus Feuerwehr und ich lache sehr gern und durchaus auch über mich selbst.

Pokemon Emerald Gpshone Walk Through Walls

have now in my 13 years of fire from time to time I write about my hobby. Some people have read something like this and found it good.

why I do not trust me now for once and put the good things in the Internet successful.

so yes I may be seen in contact with others who have gone or who disagree and want to discuss with me.

I would be happy.

Oh My Leben besteht durchaus nicht nur aus Feuerwehr und ich lache sehr gern und durchaus auch über mich selbst.