Tuesday, May 30, 2006

How To Shine Boots With Kiwi

;-) My second time

My first use of fire was a major fire. The flames were so high from the roof of the sausage factory that the photos of the fire object hanging still in the "trophy wall" of some fire brigades of the circle. But I think you will not care any more.

On my second fire use, however, I still think very often ...
against a clock at night we were back then alerted to a house fire on the first floor and roof. As a "newbie" I first helped to set up the ladder for the assault squad and was then ordered to provide to our vehicle. There, I made the first of two important lessons that night:
With a little more time looking around I noticed that the house decorated for a silver wedding was and was told that unattended cooking food that had been prepared for the festival next week had caused the fire. The family was helpless in front of the house and watched what was happening around them. When I saw the young woman in my age, very quiet on the flames looked, while the tears ran down her face, I would have liked to help somehow. But then I just did not like.
One thing was thus very dramatically aware, our intervention may indeed be a rule change to something positive, but "fire technical craftsmanship" is actually not sufficient. If we want to fulfill our tasks really well, we must also respond to the people in their crisis situations.
Many missions later, I knew then that it often does not take much to those concerned a little guidance in their situation, perhaps even to give some comfort: go to the person concerned and ask how they are doing, listen carefully, take them seriously and explain our actions as soon as it is some time, usually already makes all the difference.
When I talk with people today use a job, I know that they are in a very exceptional situation. They are afraid, angry, do not know how it will go on and often do not even know where they will sleep that night.
I try to explain what we do and why and how people can not still go back to her apartment. And I take the occasional anger personally, because I know they are not eventually addressed to me.
In addition, I try to find non-bureaucratic solutions to the problems I can solve. A seat in a warm fire engine, a blanket and a contact person during the waiting time for us to actually organize any problems, but to help those affected tremendously. I can also recall no case in which were not accepted for our "customers" burdensome security measures that were previously perceived as an additional "senseless harassment", for a friendly and reasonable explanation.

All this I have finally learned by this young woman from her burning house, which I have never spoken.

The damping-we noticed that one of our breathing troops had escaped a hair's breadth of a fall from 6 meters. A little later we noticed that a bedroom had been cut behind a paneled wall in that the door panel board from the outside could hardly notice. Unconscious person in the room could see our troops in the smoky basement never on time. This was my second lesson that night: the technology, training and experience, but give very much security, but sometimes can still replace a guardian angel.


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