If different than other people?
Note: This article was written
Easter 2002, 2001, in the heydays of anthrax missions.
Saturday before Easter when shopping in Walmart, shopping carts filled to ¾ of the plan, when suddenly heard an announcement. "1000, 1000, 1000" and so on. Wait a minute: I was but someone told quite credible that the major in another department store that number code to the announcement information for staff is that done in a minute, the main evacuation?
Where am I now? U.S. shopping mall, the store next to the headquarters for Germany in Wuppertal-stop probability thus So rather mediocre.
there been attacks in Germany? For years, since Germany in global terms is not particularly important.
The supermarket is full of people, fire protection is ok, including a sprinkler system.
So (carefully lives longer) first stumbling cart parked safely and even put me next to the nearest emergency exit.
Meanwhile, the abrattern the checklist in the brain:
a look): no persons in a striking dress green, bamboo, dark blue, orange
b) no fire, smoke, strange dust, upsetting people, triggered sprinklers, other announcements
c) do not panic observed in personnel or customer
d) a concise self-Symptom Check: No funny smells, breathing and circulation OK, no runny nose, no vision problems, anxiety, brain seems to work good.
e) the presence of PSA: of course not (except perhaps a particulate filter in the vacuum cleaner bags department but which assassin would have used B-Krams, if another is much easier)
f) Other: fire extinguishers, but use is not yet required Behelfsdekontamination with Danclorix in the sanitation department also possible, but fortunately so far not required.
first during which secondary thought: Erkundung und Bewertung zwar etwas miteinander vermischt, aber immerhin ;-)
Nach 3 Minuten immer noch kein Evakuierungsaufruf, also weiter mit Plan B: Einkaufswagen weiter voll machen und in Richtung Kasse schieben, sonst Hunger über Ostern- auch blöd...
Zweiter Nebengedanke: Entschluss auch abgearbeitet
Drittens: Abschlussgedanke: Kann es sein das ABC`ler ein kleines bisschen anders sind als andere?
Neeeeiiiiiin, ganz bestimmt nicht, die Gedankenkette hatten bestimmt alle 600 anderen Personen im Supermarkt auch!
Trotzdem schlimm, dass wir beginnen müssen solcherlei Gedanken in unser fachliches Analysedenken mit aufzunehmen.
Schöne undisturbed Easter!
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