Open Letter
accidents happen every day.
day after day trying to help many people when help is needed.
day after day the media report about it.
times these helpers heroic savior, then again ... but that is another issue.
These helpers come from various aid agencies to help citizens come to the rescue in an emergency. Fire departments, emergency services, Emergency and many others who really only noticeable when you need them and they are not in two seconds on the spot.
why some countries even donate medals to "honor" your helper.
Dazu möchte ich mich mit meiner Meinung äußern.
Ich bin (inzwischen seit über zehn Jahren) Feuerwehrmann, weil ich gerne helfe, gerne mit Technik umgehe, gerne mit Gleichgesinnten zusammen bin. Ich erfreue mich nicht an anderer Menschen Leid, und ich zünde auch nichts an, wenn es mal länger nicht gebrannt hat.
Ich freue mich sehr, wenn mal nichts passiert, mal niemand in Not ist, mal niemand Schmerzen hat, niemand leiden muß.
Ich freue mich etwas weniger,
wenn ich wenigstens einem Menschen oder Tier in einer Notlage helfen kann,
und zwar so gut wie es nur eben machbar ist.
Sollte allerdings in nächster Zeit jemand auf mich zutreten press and me seriously "honorary" a tin badge in his hand, then I will not be happy.
I will annoy me.
Because I for my engagement expect something quite different.
I want to get healthy after each use back home. I do not want to lose my job because I am driven to use this to help someone. And I hope this is true for all my other comrades.
I find that this is not too much is expected.
Nevertheless, there are still many firefighters who go without enough to be protected in a fire. They go into a fire zone in which temperatures reign of several hundred degrees, and it should wear a pants, which is no thicker than a standard pair of jeans. Great idea. Many times the firefighters burned so the legs, and it happened again and again. However, only hurt those who really go into the fire and there will try to save people. Not those who make this decision a few euros at the expense of other people to save life and health. And this seems to be obviously legal.
Nevertheless, there are still emergency service members who are often several times a week free from traffic accidents bleeding trapped persons and provide. And that still does not free vaccinations against common Infectious diseases was offered by their community.
Nevertheless, there are still workers who know that no one else comes to help, if they do not interrupt their work and they often make life and death decision support. They also know that no one for them and their family to help, so if they lose then eventually after many inserts their work. They usually help until they indicated by the employers discretion, that there are many reasons and ways to dismiss a "recalcitrant" employees. And they have to any party never a good conscience: family, friends, victims, comrades. There is virtually no solution in which no one loses out. Even so, the communities that get used, no talks with the workers and most do not even think about new solutions.
The sentence: "Do nothing good happens, you no harm" seems to me more and more truth in this context to obtain.
why I'm annoyed.
As with most of my comrades (representing only called by the German fire brigade about a million, which together ensure that this is all a matter of seconds and minutes using the site) I am not interested in ideological distinctions. I am interested in professional zu helfen und TROTZ meines Ehrenamtes gesund und (sozial) sicher leben zu können.
Ich bitte alle Menschen, die darauf Einfluß nehmen können, es auch zu tun.
Die Politiker um ihr verantwortungsvolles und zukunftsbewußtes Handeln,
die Arbeitgeber um Verständnis und Bereitschaft zum Dialog,
die Bürger um eine bißchen mehr Aufmerksamkeit für ihre Nachbarn,
damit aus kleinen Problemen keine echten Notfälle werden. Für Niemanden.
Und wenn Sie noch mehr tun möchten, dann gehen sie mal bei Ihrer Feuerwehr oder einer anderen Hilfsorganisation, die ihnen liegt, vorbei und sehen sie sich mal um…vielleicht wollen sie dann ja auch dort mithelfen.
Ich bitte nicht nur deshalb um Verständnis, weil den Helfern zumindest keine Nachteile aus ihrer Hilfeleistung erwachsen sollten.
Sondern auch, damit es in zwei, fünf oder zehn Jahren, wenn sie oder ein Mensch, der Ihnen nahe steht, in Lebensgefahr gerät, immer noch andere Menschen geben kann, die zu Hilfe kommen.
Danke für ihre Aufmerksamkeit.
Ein Helfer.
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